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Playstation CDROM I/O Ports

CDROM Controller I/O Ports

Playstation CDROM Commands

CDROM Controller Command Summary
CDROM - Control Commands
CDROM - Seek Commands
CDROM - Read Commands
CDROM - Status Commands
CDROM - CD Audio Commands
CDROM - Test Commands
CDROM - Secret Unlock Commands
CDROM - Video CD Commands
CDROM - Mainloop/Responses
CDROM - Response Timings
CDROM - Response/Data Queueing

General CDROM Disk Format

CDROM Format
CDROM File Formats

Playstation CDROM Coprocessor

CDROM Internal Info on PSX CDROM Controller

CDROM Controller I/O Ports

The CD-ROM drive is made up of several chips. The CPU only has direct access to the sector buffer/decoder chip's "host" interface, which provides mailboxes to communicate with the drive's microcontroller, a data port for reading sectors and audio configuration registers. The interface is bank switched and consists of four banks of four 8-bit registers each.

The following registers are available when reading:

Bank 0x1f801800 0x1f801801 0x1f801802 0x1f801803

The following registers are available when writing:

Bank 0x1f801800 0x1f801801 0x1f801802 0x1f801803

Official documentation for these registers is available in the "host interface" section of the CXD1199 decoder's datasheet. Later console revisions use different decoders, however they all seem to be variants of the CXD1199 (just merged with other CD-ROM chips, and possibly trimmed down by removing unused features such as the sound map functionality).

0x1f801800 (read, all banks): HSTS

0x1f801800 (write, all banks): ADDRESS

  0-1 RA       Current register bank (R/W)
  2   ADPBUSY  ADPCM busy            (R, 1=playing XA-ADPCM)
  3   PRMEMPT  Parameter empty       (R, 1=parameter FIFO empty)
  4   PRMWRDY  Parameter write ready (R, 1=parameter FIFO not full)
  5   RSLRRDY  Result read ready     (R, 1=result FIFO not empty)
  6   DRQSTS   Data request          (R, 1=one or more RDDATA reads or WRDATA writes pending)
  7   BUSYSTS  Busy status           (R, 1=HC05 busy acknowledging command)

0x1f801801 (write, bank 0): COMMAND

  0-7  Command Byte
Writing to this address sends the command byte to the HC05, which will proceed to drain the parameter FIFO, process the command, push any return values into the result FIFO and fire INT3 (or INT5 if an error occurs).
Command/Parameter processing is indicated by BUSYSTS.
When that bit gets zero, the response can be read immediately (immediately for MOST commands, but not ALL commands; so better wait for the IRQ).
Alternately, you can wait for an IRQ (which seems to take place MUCH later), and then read the response.
If there are any pending cdrom interrupts, these MUST be acknowledged before sending the command (otherwise BUSYSTS will stay set forever).

0x1f801802 (write, bank 0): PARAMETER

  0-7  Parameter Byte(s) to be used for next Command
Before sending a command, write any parameter byte(s) to this address. The FIFO can hold up to 16 bytes; once full, the decoder will clear the PRMWRDY flag.
Note: the CXD1199 datasheet incorrectly states the parameter FIFO is 8 bytes deep, however the longest CD-ROM command has a 13-byte parameter.

0x1f801803 (write, bank 0): HCHPCTL

  0-4 -    Reserved                                    (should be 0)
  5   SMEN Sound map (manual XA-ADPCM playback) enable
  6   BFWR Request sector buffer write                 (1=prepare for writes to WRDATA)
  7   BFRD Request sector buffer read                  (1=prepare for reads from RDDATA)
Note: in the original nocash documentation, SMEN is described as "Want Command Start Interrupt on Next Command". This is actually a side effect to the decoder firing the BFWRDY interrupt, not an intended feature.

0x1f801802 (read, all banks): RDDATA

After ReadS/ReadN commands have generated INT1, software must set the BFRD flag, then wait until DRQSTS is set, the datablock (disk sector) can be then read from this register.

  0-7  Data 8bit  (one byte), or alternately,
  0-15 Data 16bit (LSB=First byte, MSB=Second byte)
The PSX hardware allows to read 800h-byte or 924h-byte sectors, indexed as [000h..7FFh] or [000h..923h], when trying to read further bytes, then the PSX will repeat the byte at index [800h-8] or [924h-4] as padding value.
RDDATA can be accessed with 8bit or 16bit reads (ie. to read a 2048-byte sector, one can use 2048 load-byte opcodes, or 1024 load halfword opcodes, or, more conventionally, a 512 word DMA transfer; the actual CDROM databus is only 8bits wide, so the CPU's bus interface handles splitting the reads).

0x1f801801 (read, all banks): RESULT

  0-7  Response Byte(s) received after sending a Command
The result FIFO can hold up to 16 bytes (most or all responses are less than 16 bytes). The decoder clears RSLRRDY after the last byte of the HC05's response is read from this register.
When reading further bytes: The buffer is padded with 00h's to the end of the 16-bytes, and does then restart at the first response byte (that, without receiving a new response, so it'll always return the same 16 bytes, until a new command/response has been sent/received).

0x1f801803 (read, banks 1 and 3): HINTSTS

  0-2 INTSTS Interrupt "flags" from HC05
  3   BFEMPT Sound map XA-ADPCM buffer empty       (1=decoder ran out of sectors to play)
  4   BFWRDY Sound map XA-ADPCM buffer write ready (1=decoder is ready for next sector)
  5-7 -      Reserved                              (always 1)
Bits 0-2 are supposed to be used as three separate IRQ flags, however the HC05 misuses them as a single 3-bit "interrupt type" value, which always assumes one of the following values:
  INT0 NoIntr      No interrupt pending
  INT1 DataReady   New sector (ReadN/ReadS) or report packet (Play) available
  INT2 Complete    Command finished processing (some commands, after INT3 is fired)
  INT3 Acknowledge Command received and acknowledged (all commands)
  INT4 DataEnd     Reached end of disc (or end of track if auto-pause enabled)
  INT5 DiskError   Command error, read error, license string error or lid opened
  INT6 -
  INT7 -
The response interrupts are queued, for example, if the 1st response is INT3, and the second INT5, then INT3 is delivered first, and INT5 is not delivered until INT3 is acknowledged (ie. the response interrupts are NOT ORed together to produce INT7 or so). BFEMPT and BFWRDY however can be ORed with the lower bits (i.e. BFWRDY + INT3 would give 13h).
All interrupts are always fired in response to a command with the exception of INT5, which may also be triggered at any time by opening the lid.

0x1f801803 (read, banks 0 and 2): HINTMSK

0x1f801802 (write, bank 1): HINTMSK

  0-2 ENINT    Enable IRQ on respective INTSTS bits
  5-7 -        Reserved (should be 0 when written, always 1 when read)
The CD-ROM drive fires an interrupt whenever (HINTMSK & HINTSTS) is non-zero. This register is typically set to 1Fh, allowing any of the flags to trigger an IRQ (even though BFEMPT and BFWRDY are never used).

0x1f801803 (write, bank 1): HCLRCTL

  0-2 CLRINT     Acknowledge HC05 interrupt "flags" (0=no change, 1=clear)
  3   CLRBFEMPT  Acknowledge BFEMPT                 (0=no change, 1=clear)
  4   CLRBFWRDY  Acknowledge BFBFWRDY               (0=no change, 1=clear)
  5   SMADPCLR   Clear sound map XA-ADPCM buffer    (0=no change, 1=clear/stop playback)
  6   CLRPRM     Clear parameter FIFO               (0=no change, 1=clear)
  7   CHPRST     Reset decoder chip                 (0=no change, 1=reset)
Setting bits 0-4 resets the corresponding flags in HINTSTS; normally one should write 07h to reset the HC05 interrupt flags, or 1Fh to acknowledge all IRQs. Acknowledging individual HC05 flags (e.g. writing 01h to change INT3 to INT2) is possible, if completely useless. After acknowledge, the result FIFO is drained and if there's been a pending command, then that command gets send to the controller.
Setting CHPRST will result in a complete reset of the decoder. Unclear if this also reboots the HC05 and CD-ROM DSP (the decoder has an "external reset" pin which is pulled low when setting CHPRST).

Caution - Unstable IRQ Flag polling

IRQ flag changes aren't synced with the MIPS CPU clock. If more than one bit gets set (and the CPU is reading at the same time) then the CPU does occassionally see only one of the newly bits:

  0 ----------> 3   ;99.9%  normal case INT3's
  0 ----------> 5   ;99%    normal case INT5's
  0 ---> 1 ---> 3   ;0.1%   glitch: occurs about once per thousands of INT3's
  0 ---> 4 ---> 5   ;1%     glitch: occurs about once per hundreds of INT5's
As workaround, do something like:
  irq_flags = [1F801803h] AND 07h       ;<-- 1st read (may be still unstable)
  if irq_flags = 00h then goto @@polling_lop
  irq_flags = [1F801803h] AND 07h       ;<-- 2nd read (should be stable now)
  handle irq_flags and acknowledge them
The problem applies only when manually polling the IRQ flags (an actual IRQ handler will get triggered when the flags get nonzero, and the flags will have stabilized once when the IRQ handler is reading them) (except, a combination of IRQ10h followed by IRQ3 can also have unstable LSBs within the IRQ handler).
The problem occurs only on older consoles (like LATE-PU-8), not on newer consoles (like PSone).

0x1f801802 (write, bank 2): ATV0 (L->L volume)

0x1f801803 (write, bank 2): ATV1 (L->R volume)

0x1f801801 (write, bank 3): ATV2 (R->R volume)

0x1f801802 (write, bank 3): ATV3 (R->L volume)

Allows to configure the CD for mono/stereo output (eg. values "80h,0,80h,0" produce normal stereo volume, values "40h,40h,40h,40h" produce mono output of equivalent volume).
When using bigger values, the hardware does have some incomplete saturation support; the saturation works up to double volume (eg. overflows that occur on "FFh,0,FFh,0" or "80h,80h,80h,80h" are clipped to min/max levels), however, the saturation does NOT work properly when exceeding double volume (eg. mono with quad-volume "FFh,FFh,FFh,FFh").

  0-7  Volume Level (00h..FFh) (00h=Off, FFh=Max/Double, 80h=Default/Normal)
After changing these registers, the CHNGATV flag in ADPCTL must be set.
Unknown if any existing games are actually supporting mono output. Resident Evil 2 uses these ports to produce fade-in/fade-out effects (although, for that purpose, it should be much easier to use Port 1F801DB0h).

0x1f801803 (write, bank 3): ADPCTL

  0    ADPMUTE Mute XA-ADPCM           (1=mute)
  1-4  -       Reserved                (should be 0)
  5    CHNGATV Apply ATV0-ATV3 changes (0=no change, 1=apply)
  6-7  -       Reserved                (should be 0)

0x1f801801 (write, bank 1): WRDATA

  0-7  Data
Used to upload sectors to the decoder for sound map XA-ADPCM playback.
This register seems to be restricted to 8bit bus, unknown if/how the PSX DMA controller can write to it (it might support only 16bit data for CDROM).

0x1f801801 (write, bank 2): CI

  0    S/M      Channel count   (0=mono, 1=stereo)
  1    -        Reserved        (should be 0)
  2    FS       Sample rate     (0=37800Hz, 1=18900Hz)
  3    -        Reserved        (should be 0)
  4    BITLNGTH Bits per sample (0=4bit, 1=8bit)
  5    -        Reserved        (should be 0)
  6    EMPHASIS Emphasis filter (0=off, 1=on)
  7    -        Reserved        (should be 0)
Used to configure the decoder for sound map XA-ADPCM playback (does not affect playback of XA-ADPCM sectors from the disc). Uses the same format as the "codinginfo" field in XA sector headers.


Indicates ready-to-send-new-command,

  0=Ready to send a new command
  1=Busy sending a command/parameters
Trying to send a new command in the Busy-phase causes malfunction (the older command seems to get lost, the newer command executes and returns its results and triggers an interrupt, but, thereafter, the controller seems to hang). So, always wait until BUSYSTS goes off before sending a command.
When BUSYSTS goes off, a new command can be send immediately (even if the response from the previous command wasn't received yet), however, the new command stays in the Busy-phase until the IRQ from the previous command is acknowledged, at that point the actual transmission of the new command starts, and BUSYSTS goes off (once when the transmission completes).

Pause -> Wait for INT3 IRQ -> clear IRQ (write 0x1f to HCLRCTL) -> SetMode/Pause/Stop/SetMode/SeekL/... <br/>
ReadN/ReadS -> Wait for INT3 IRQ -> clear IRQ (write 0x1f to HCLRCTL) -> SetMode/SetLoc/... <br/>
Will not drop any of the two commands, thus execute sequentially.

Stop -> Wait for INT3 IRQ -> clear IRQ (write 0x1f to HCLRCTL) -> SetMode/Pause/...<br/>
Will drop the second response of Stop(), and then execute the next command.


Performing a 32-bit read from 1F801800h will return the HSTS register's value repeated four times, as the "auto increment" flag in the BIU configuration register for the CD-ROM (at 1F801018h) is disabled by default. Enabling it will restore the correct behavior but will also break CD-ROM DMA reads, which rely on the bus interface splitting each 32-bit word transfer into four sequential byte reads from RDDATA.

To init the CD

  -Flush all IRQs
  -Com_Delay=4901 (=1325h) (Port 1F801020h) (means 16bit or 32bit write?)
     (the write seems to be 32bit, clearing the upper16bit of the register)
  -Send two Nop commands
  -Send Command 0Ah (Init)

Seek-Busy Phase

Warning: most or all of the info in the sentence below appear to incorrect (either that, or I didn't understand that rather confusing sentence).
"You should not send some commands while the CD is seeking (ie. Nop returns with bit6 set). Thing is that stat only gets updated after a new command. I haven't tested this for other command, but for the play command (03h) you can just keep repeating the [which?] command and checking stat returned by that, for bit6 to go low (and bit7 to go high in this case). If you don't and try to do a getloc [GetlocP and/or GetlocL?] directly after the play command reports it's done [what done? meaning sending start-to-play was "done"? or meaning play reached end-of-disc?], the CD will stop. (I guess the CD can't get it's current location while it's seeking, so the logic stops the seek to get an exact fix, but never restarts..)"

Sound Map Flowchart

Sound Map mode allows to output XA-ADPCM from Main RAM (rather than from CDROM).

  SPU: Init Master Volume Left/Right (Port 1F801D80h/1F801D82h)
  SPU: Init CD Audio Volume Left/Right (Port 1F801DB0h/1F801DB2h)
  SPU: Enable CD Audio (Port 1F801DAAh.Bit0=1)
  CDROM/CMD: send Stop command (probably better to avoid conflicts)
  CDROM/CMD: send Demute command (if muted) (but works only if disc inserted)
  CDROM/HOST: init CI register with XA-ADPCM coding info
  CDROM/HOST: enable ADPCM (ADPMUTE=0)  ;probably needed?
  ... set dummy addr/len with DISHXFRC=1 ?  <-- NOT required !
  ... set SMEN ... and dummy BFWR?    <-- BOTH bits required ?
  transfer 900h bytes (same format as ADPCM sectors) (WRDATA)
  Note: Before sending a byte, one should wait for DRQSTS
  Note: ADPCM output doesn't start until the last (900h'th) byte is transferred
Sound Map mode may be very useful for testing XA-ADPCM directly from within an exe file (without needing a cdrom with ADPCM sectors). And, Sound Map supports both 4bit and 8bit compression (the SPU supports only 4bit).
Caution: If ADPCM wasn't playing, and one sends one 900h-byte block, then it will get stored in one of three 900h-byte slots in SRAM, and one would expect that slot to be played when the ADPCM output starts - however, actually, the hardware will more or less randomly play one of the three slots; not necessarily the slot that was updated most recently.

CDROM Controller Command Summary

Command Summary

Opcode Command Parameters Acknowledge response Completion response Notes
0x00 Unused INT5: 0x11, 0x40
0x01 Nop INT3: status
0x02 Setloc min, sec, frame INT3: status
0x03 Play track (optional) INT3: status
0x04 Forward INT3: status Error if disc is spun down
0x05 Backward INT3: status Error if disc is spun down
0x06 ReadN INT3: status
0x07 Standby INT3: status INT2: status
0x08 Stop INT3: status INT2: status
0x09 Pause INT3: status INT2: status
0x0a Init INT3: status (late) INT2: status
0x0b Mute INT3: status
0x0c Demute INT3: status
0x0d Setfilter file, channel INT3: status
0x0e Setmode mode INT3: status
0x0f Getparam INT3: status, mode, 0x00, file, channel
0x10 GetlocL INT3: min, sec, frame, mode, file, channel, sm, ci Error if disc is spun down
0x11 GetlocP INT3: track, index, rmin, rsec, rframe, min, sec, frame Error if disc is spun down
0x12 Setsession session INT3: status INT2: status
0x13 GetTN INT3: status, first, last
0x14 GetTD track INT3: status, min, sec
0x15 SeekL INT3: status INT2: status
0x16 SeekP INT3: status INT2: status
0x17-0x18 Unused INT5: 0x11, 0x40
0x19 Test * sub, ... INT3: ...
0x1a GetID * INT3: status INT2/INT5: status, flag, type, atip, "SCEx"
0x1b ReadS INT3: status
0x1c Reset INT3: status Reboots HC05, requires delay after sending
0x1d GetQ * adr, point INT3: status INT2: subq[10], peakl Version 0xc1+, error if disc is spun down
0x1e ReadTOC * INT3: status (late) INT2: status Version 0xc1+
0x1f VideoCD * sub, ... INT3: status, ... SCPH-5903 only
0x20-0x4f Unused INT5: 0x11, 0x40 Version 0xc1+, does nothing on Japanese models
0x50 Unlock0 * INT5: 0x11, 0x40 (even when successful) Version 0xc1+, does nothing on Japanese models
0x51 Unlock1 * "Licensed by" INT5: 0x11, 0x40 (even when successful) Version 0xc1+, does nothing on Japanese models
0x52 Unlock2 * "Sony" INT5: 0x11, 0x40 (even when successful) Version 0xc1+, does nothing on Japanese models
0x53 Unlock3 * "Computer" INT5: 0x11, 0x40 (even when successful) Version 0xc1+, does nothing on Japanese models
0x54 Unlock4 * "Entertainment" INT5: 0x11, 0x40 (even when successful) Version 0xc1+, does nothing on Japanese models
0x55 Unlock5 * "<region>" INT5: 0x11, 0x40 (even when successful) Version 0xc1+, does nothing on Japanese models
0x56 Unlock6 * INT5: 0x11, 0x40 (even when successful) Version 0xc1+, does nothing on Japanese models
0x57 Lock * INT5: 0x11, 0x40 (even when successful) Version 0xc1+, does nothing on Japanese models
0x58-0x5f Unused Crashes the HC05
0x60-0xff Unused INT5: 0x11, 0x40

The following commands generate additional responses while reading:

Opcode Command Data responses
0x03 Play INT1: status, track, index, (r)min, (r)sec, (r)frame, peakl, peakh
0x04 Forward INT1: status, track, index, (r)min, (r)sec, (r)frame, peakl, peakh
0x05 Backward INT1: status, track, index, (r)min, (r)sec, (r)frame, peakl, peakh
0x06 ReadN INT1: status (sector data must be read separately via RDDATA or DMA)
0x1b ReadS INT1: status (sector data must be read separately via RDDATA or DMA)

* denotes commands that are not officially documented.

sub_function numbers (for command 19h)

Test commands are invoked with command number 19h, followed by a sub_function number as first parameter byte. The Kernel seems to be using only sub_function 20h (to detect the CDROM Controller version).

  sub  params  response           ;Effect
  00h      -   INT3(stat)         ;Force motor on, clockwise, even if door open
  01h      -   INT3(stat)         ;Force motor on, anti-clockwise, super-fast
  02h      -   INT3(stat)         ;Force motor on, anti-clockwise, super-fast
  03h      -   INT3(stat)         ;Force motor off (ignored during spin-up)
  04h      -   INT3(stat)         ;Start SCEx reading and reset counters
  05h      -   INT3(total,success);Stop SCEx reading and get counters
  06h *    n   INT3(old)  ;\early ;Adjust balance in RAM, send CX(30+n XOR 7)
  07h *    n   INT3(old)  ; PSX   ;Adjust gain in RAM, send CX(38+n XOR 7)
  08h *    n   INT3(old)  ;/only  ;Adjust balance in RAM only
  06h..0Fh -   INT5(11h,10h)      ;N/A (11h,20h when NONZERO number of params)
  10h      -   INT3(stat) ;CX(..) ;Force motor on, anti-clockwise, super-fast
  11h      -   INT3(stat) ;CX(03) ;Move Lens Up (leave parking position)
  12h      -   INT3(stat) ;CX(02) ;Move Lens Down (enter parking position)
  13h      -   INT3(stat) ;CX(28) ;Move Lens Outwards
  14h      -   INT3(stat) ;CX(2C) ;Move Lens Inwards
  15h      -   INT3(stat) ;CX(22) ;If motor on: Move outwards,inwards,motor off
  16h      -   INT3(stat) ;CX(23) ;No effect?
  17h      -   INT3(stat) ;CX(E8) ;Force motor on, clockwise, super-fast
  18h      -   INT3(stat) ;CX(EA) ;Force motor on, anti-clockwise, super-fast
  19h      -   INT3(stat) ;CX(25) ;No effect?
  1Ah      -   INT3(stat) ;CX(21) ;No effect?
  1Bh..1Fh -   INT5(11h,10h)      ;N/A (11h,20h when NONZERO number of params)
  20h      -   INT3(yy,mm,dd,ver) ;Get cdrom BIOS date/version (yy,mm,dd,ver)
  21h      -   INT3(n)            ;Get Drive Switches (bit0=POS0, bit1=DOOR)
  22h ***  -   INT3("for ...")    ;Get Region ID String
  23h ***  -   INT3("CXD...")     ;Get Chip ID String for Servo Amplifier
  24h ***  -   INT3("CXD...")     ;Get Chip ID String for Signal Processor
  25h ***  -   INT3("CXD...")     ;Get Chip ID String for Decoder/FIFO
  26h..2Fh -   INT5(11h,10h)      ;N/A (11h,20h when NONZERO number of params)
  30h *    i,x,y     INT3(stat)       ;Prototype/Debug stuff   ;\supported on
  31h *    x,y       INT3(stat)       ;Prototype/Debug stuff   ; early PSX only
  4xh *    i         INT3(x,y)        ;Prototype/Debug stuff   ;/
  30h..4Fh ..        INT5(11h,10h)    ;N/A always 11h,10h (no matter of params)
  50h      a[,b[,c]] INT3(stat)       ;Servo/Signal send CX(a:b:c)
  51h **   39h,xx    INT3(stat,hi,lo) ;Servo/Signal send CX(39xx) with response
  51h..5Fh -         INT5(11h,10h)    ;N/A
  60h      lo,hi     INT3(databyte)   ;HC05 SUB-CPU read RAM and I/O ports
  61h..70h -         INT5(11h,10h)    ;N/A
  71h ***  adr       INT3(databyte)   ;Decoder Read one register
  72h ***  adr,dat   INT3(stat)       ;Decoder Write one register
  73h ***  adr,len   INT3(databytes..);Decoder Read multiple registers, bugged
  74h ***  adr,len,..INT3(stat)       ;Decoder Write multiple registers, bugged
  75h ***  -         INT3(lo,hi,lo,hi);Decoder Get Host Xfer Info Remain/Addr
  76h ***  a,b,c,d   INT3(stat)       ;Decoder Prepare Transfer to/from SRAM
  77h..FFh -         INT5(11h,10h)    ;N/A
  80h..8Fh a,b       ?                ;seem to do something on PS2
* sub_functions 06h..08h, 30h..31h, and 4xh are supported only in vC0 and vC1.
** sub_function 51h is supported only in BIOS version vC2 and up.
*** sub_functions 22h..25h, 71h..76h supported only in BIOS version vC1 and up.

Unsupported GetQ,VCD,SecretUnlock (command 1Dh,1Fh,5xh)

INT5 will be returned if the command is unsupported. That, WITHOUT removing the Parameters from the FIFO, so the parameters will be accidently passed to the NEXT command. To avoid that: clear the parameter FIFO by setting CLRPRM in HCLRCTL after receiving the INT5 error.

CDROM - Control Commands

Sync - Command 00h --> INTx(stat+1,40h) (?)

Reportedly "command does not succeed until all other commands complete. This can be used for synchronization - hence the name."
Uh, actually, returns error code 40h = Invalid Command...?

Setfilter - Command 0Dh,file,channel --> INT3(stat)

Automatic ADPCM (CD-ROM XA) filter ignores sectors except those which have the same channel and file numbers in their subheader. This is the mechanism used to select which of multiple songs in a single .XA file to play.
Setfilter does not affect actual reading (sector reads still occur for all sectors).
XXX err... that is... does not affect reading of non-ADPCM sectors (normal "data" sectors are kept received regardless of Setfilter).

Setmode - Command 0Eh,mode --> INT3(stat)

  7   Speed       (0=Normal speed, 1=Double speed)
  6   XA-ADPCM    (0=Off, 1=Send XA-ADPCM sectors to SPU Audio Input)
  5   Sector Size (0=800h=DataOnly, 1=924h=WholeSectorExceptSyncBytes)
  4   Ignore Bit  (0=Normal, 1=Ignore Sector Size and Setloc position)
  3   XA-Filter   (0=Off, 1=Process only XA-ADPCM sectors that match Setfilter)
  2   Report      (0=Off, 1=Enable Report-Interrupts for Audio Play)
  1   AutoPause   (0=Off, 1=Auto Pause upon End of Track) ;for Audio Play
  0   CDDA        (0=Off, 1=Allow to Read CD-DA Sectors; ignore missing EDC)
The "Ignore Bit" does reportedly force a sector size of 2328 bytes (918h), however, that doesn't seem to be true. Instead, Bit4 seems to cause the controller to ignore the sector size in Bit5 (instead, the size is kept from the most recent Setmode command which didn't have Bit4 set). Also, Bit4 seems to cause the controller to ignore the \<exact> Setloc position (instead, data is randomly returned from the "Setloc position minus 0..3 sectors"). And, Bit4 causes INT1 to return status.Bit3=set (IdError). Purpose of Bit4 is unknown?

Init - Command 0Ah --> INT3(stat) --> INT2(stat)

Multiple effects at once. Sets mode=20h, activates drive motor, Standby, abort all commands.

Reset - Command 1Ch,(...) --> INT3(stat) --> Delay(1/8 seconds)

  Caution: Not supported on DTL-H2000 (v01)
Resets the drive controller, reportedly, same as opening and closing the drive door. The command executes no matter if/how many parameters are used (tested with 0..7 params). INT3 indicates that the command was started, but there's no INT that would indicate when the command is finished, so, before sending any further commands, a delay of 1/8 seconds (or 400000h clock cycles) must be issued by software.
Note: Executing the command produces a click sound in the drive mechanics, maybe it's just a rapid motor on/off, but it might something more serious, like ignoring the /POS0 signal...?

MotorOn - Command 07h --> INT3(stat) --> INT2(stat)

Activates the drive motor, works ONLY if the motor was off (otherwise fails with INT5(stat,20h); that error code would normally indicate "wrong number of parameters", but means "motor already on" in this case).
Commands like Read, Seek, and Play are automatically starting the Motor when needed (which makes the MotorOn command rather useless, and it's rarely used by any games).
Myth: Older homebrew docs are referring to MotorOn as "Standby", claiming that it would work similar as "Pause", that is wrong: the command does NOT pause anything (if the motor is on, then it does simply trigger INT5, but without pausing reading or playing).
Note: The game "Nightmare Creatures 2" does actually attempt to use MotorOn to "pause" after reading files, but the hardware does simply ignore that attempt (aside from doing the INT5 thing).

Stop - Command 08h --> INT3(stat) --> INT2(stat)

Stops motor with magnetic brakes (stops within a second or so) (unlike power-off where it'd keep spinning for about 10 seconds), and moves the drive head to the begin of the first track. Official way to restart is command 0Ah, but almost any command will restart it.
The first response returns the current status (this already with bit5 cleared), the second response returns the new status (with bit1 cleared).

Pause - Command 09h --> INT3(stat) --> INT2(stat)

Aborts Reading and Playing, the motor is kept spinning, and the drive head maintains the current location within reasonable error.
The first response returns the current status (still with bit5 set if a Read command was active), the second response returns the new status (with bit5 cleared).

Data/ADPCM Sector Filtering/Delivery

The PSX CDROM BIOS is first trying to send sectors to the ADPCM decoder, and, if that didn't work out, then it's trying to send them to the main CPU (and if that didn't work out either, then it's silently ignoring the sector).

  reject if CD-DA AUDIO format
  reject if sector isn't MODE2 format
  reject if adpcm_disabled(setmode.6)
  reject if filter_enabled(setmode.3) AND selected file/channel doesn't match
  reject if submode isn't audio+realtime (bit2 and bit6 must be both set)
  deliver: send sector to xa-adpcm decoder when passing above cases
  reject data-delivery if "try_deliver_as_adpcm_sector" did do adpcm-delivery
  reject if filter_enabled(setmode.3) AND submode is audio+realtime (bit2+bit6)
  1st delivery attempt: send INT1+data, unless there's another INT pending
  delay, and retry at later time... but this time with file/channel checking!
  reject if filter_enabled(setmode.3) AND selected file/channel doesn't match
  2nd delivery attempt: send INT1+data, unless there's another INT pending
BUG: Note that the data delivery is done in two different attempts: The first one regardless of file/channel, and the second one only on matching file/channel (if filtering is enabled).

CDROM - Seek Commands

Setloc - Command 02h,amm,ass,asect --> INT3(stat)

Sets the seek target - but without yet starting the seek operation. The actual seek is invoked by certain commands: SeekL (Data) and SeekP (Audio) are doing plain seeks (and do Pause after completion). ReadN/ReadS are similar to SeekL (and do start reading data after the seek operation). Play is similar to SeekP (and does start playing audio after the seek operation).
The amm,ass,asect parameters refer to the entire disk (not to the current track). To seek to a specific location within a specific track, use GetTD to get the start address of the track, and add the desired time offset to it.

SeekL - Command 15h --> INT3(stat) --> INT2(stat)

Seek to Setloc's location in data mode (using data sector header position data, which works/exists only on Data tracks, not on CD-DA Audio tracks).
After the seek, the disk stays on the seeked location forever (namely: when seeking sector N, it does stay at around N-8..N-0 in single speed mode, or at around N-5..N+2 in double speed mode). This command will stop any current or pending ReadN or ReadS.
Trying to use SeekL on Audio CDs passes okay on the first response, but (after two seconds or so) the second response will return an error (stat+4,04h), and stop the drive motor... that error doesn't appear ALWAYS though... works in some situations... such like when previously reading data sectors or so...?

SeekP - Command 16h --> INT3(stat) --> INT2(stat)

Seek to Setloc's location in audio mode (using the Subchannel Q position data, which works on both Audio on Data disks).
After the seek, the disk stays on the seeked location forever (namely: when seeking sector N, it does stay at around N-9..N-1 in single speed mode, or at around N-2..N in double speed mode). This command will stop any current or pending ReadN or ReadS.
Note: Some older docs claim that SeekP would recurse only "MM:SS" of the "MM:SS:FF" position from Setloc - that is wrong, it does seek to MM:SS:FF (verified on a PSone).
After the seek, status is stat.bit7=0 (ie. audio playback off), until sending a new Play command (without parameters) to start playback at the seeked location.

SetSession - Command 12h,session --> INT3(stat) --> INT2(stat)

Seeks to session (ie. moves the drive head to the session, with stat bit6 set during the seek phase).
When issued during active-play, the command returns error code 80h.
When issued during play-spin-up, play is aborted.

  session = 00h causes error code 10h.     ;INT5(03h,10h), no 2nd/3rd response
  ___On a non-multisession-disk___
  session = 01h passes okay.               ;INT3(stat), and once INT2(stat)
  session = 02h or higher cause seek error ;INT3(stat), and twice INT5(06h,40h)
  ___On a multisession-disk with N sessions___
  session = 01h..N+1 passes okay   ;where N+1 moves to the END of LAST session
  session = N+2 or higher cause seek error  ;2nd response = INT5(06h,20h)
after seek error --> disk stops spinning at 2nd response, then restarts spinning for 1 second or so, then stops spinning forever... and following gettn/gettd/getid/getlocl/getlocp fail with error 80h...
The command does automatically read the TOC of the new session. BUG: Older CD Firmwares (16 May 1995 and older) don't clear the old TOC when loading Session 1, in that case SetSession(1) may update some (not all) TOC entries; ending up with a mixup of old and new TOC entries.
There seems to be no way to determine the current sessions number (via Getparam or so), and more important, no way to determine if the disk is a multi-session disk or not... except by trial... which would stop the drive motor on seek errors on single-session disks...?
For setloc, one must probably specifiy minutes within the 1st track of the new session (the 1st track of 1st session usually/always starts at 00:02:00, but for other sessions one would need to use GetTD)...?

CDROM - Read Commands

ReadN - Command 06h --> INT3(stat) --> INT1(stat) --> datablock

Read with retry. The command responds once with "stat,INT3", and then it's repeatedly sending "stat,INT1 --> datablock", that is continued even after a successful read has occured; use the Pause command to terminate the repeated INT1 responses.
Unknown which responses are sent in case of read errors?
ReadN and ReadS cause errors if you're trying to read an unlicensed CD or CD-R without a mod chip. Sectors on Audio CDs can be read only when CDDA is enabled via Setmode (otherwise error code 40h is returned).
Actually, Read seems to work on unlicensed CD-R's, but the returned data is the whole sector or so (the 2048 data bytes preceeded by a 12byte header, and probably/maybe followed by error-correction info; in fact the total received data in the Data Fifo is 4096 bytes; the last some bytes probably being garbage) (however error correction is NOT performed by hardware, so the 2048 data bytes may be trashy) (however, if the error correction info IS received, then error correction could be performed by software) (also Setloc doesn't seem to work accurately on unlicensed CD-R's).

     ;Read occasionally returns 11h,40h ..? when TOC isn't loaded?
After receiving INT1, the Kernel does,
and then,
  [1F801018h]=00020943h  ;cdrom_delay
  [1F801020h]=0000132Ch  ;com_delay
  x=[1F8010F4h] AND 00FFFFFFh   ;result is 00840000h
  [1F8010F4h] = x OR 00880000h
  [1F8010F0h] = [1F8010F0h] OR 00008000h
  [1F8010B0h] = A0010000h ;addr
  [1F8010B4h] = 00010200h ;LSBs=num words, MSBs=ignored/bullshit
  [1F8010B4h] = 11000000h ;DMA control
  [1F801803h]=40h    ;reset parameter fifo
  [1F801801h]=09h    ;command9 (pause)

ReadS - Command 1Bh --> INT3(stat) --> INT1(stat) --> datablock

Read without automatic retry. Not sure what that means... does WHAT on errors? Maybe intended for continous streaming video output (to skip bad frames, rather than to interrupt the stream by performing read-retrys).


Both ReadN/ReadS are reading data sequentially, starting at the sector specified with Setloc, and then automatically reading the following sectors.

CDROM Incoming Data / Buffer Overrun Timings

The Read commands are continously receiving 75 sectors per second (or 150 sectors at double speed), and, basically, the software must be fast enough to process that amount of incoming data. However, the PSX hardware includes a buffer that can hold up to a handful (exact number is unknown?) of sectors, so, occasional delays of more than 1/75 seconds between processing two sectors aren't causing lost sectors, unless the delay(s) are summing up too much. The relevant steps for receiving data are:

  Wait for Interrupt Request (INT1)          ;indicates that data is available
  Send Data Request (BFRD=1)                 ;accept data
  Acknowledge INT1                           ;
  Copy Data to Main RAM (via I/O or DMA)     ;read data
The Data Request accepts the data for the currently pending interrupt, it should be usually issued between receiving/acknowledging INT1 (however, it can be also issued shortly after the acknowledge; even if there are further sectors in the buffer, there seems to be a small delay between the acknowledge and the next interrupt, and Data Requests during that period are still treated to belong to the old interrupt).
If a buffer overrun has occured \<before> issuing the Data Request, then wrong data will be received, ie. some sectors will be skipped (the hardware doesn't seem to support a buffer-overrun error flag? Anyways, see GetlocL description for a possible way to detect buffer-overruns).
If a buffer overrun occurs \<after> issuing the Data Request, then the requested data can be still read via I/O or DMA intactly, ie. the requested data is "locked", and the overrun will affect only the following sectors.

ReadTOC - Command 1Eh --> INT3(stat) --> INT2(stat)

  Caution: Supported only in BIOS version vC1 and up. Not supported in vC0.
Reread the Table of Contents of current session without reset. The command is rather slow, the second response appears after about 1 second delay. The command itself returns only status information (to get the actual TOC info, use GetTD and GetTN commands).
Note: The TOC contains information about the tracks on the disk (not file names or so, that kind of information is obtained via Read commands). The TOC is read automatically on power-up, when opening/closing the drive door, and when changing sessions (so, normally, it isn't required to use this command).

Setloc, Read, Pause

A normal CDROM access (such like reading a file) consists of three commands:

  Setloc, Read, Pause
Normally one shouldn't mess up the ordering of those commands, but if one does, following rules do apply:
Setloc is memorizing the wanted target, and marks it as unprocessed, and has no other effect (it doesn't start reading or seeking, and doesn't interrupt or redirect any active reads).
If Read is issued with an unprocessed Setloc, then the drive is automatically seeking the Setloc location (and marks Setloc as processed).
If Read is issued without an unprocessed Setloc, the following happens: If reading is already in progress then it just continues reading. If Reading was Paused, then reading resumes at the most recently received sector (ie. returning that sector once another time).

CDROM - Status Commands

Status code (stat)

The 8bit status code is returned by Nop command (and many other commands), the meaning of the separate stat bits is:

  7  Play          Playing CD-DA         ;\only ONE of these bits can be set
  6  Seek          Seeking               ; at a time (ie. Read/Play won't get
  5  Read          Reading data sectors  ;/set until after Seek completion)
  4  ShellOpen     Once shell open (0=Closed, 1=Is/was Open)
  3  IdError       (0=Okay, 1=GetID denied) (also set when Setmode.Bit4=1)
  2  SeekError     (0=Okay, 1=Seek error)     (followed by Error Byte)
  1  Spindle Motor (0=Motor off, or in spin-up phase, 1=Motor on)
  0  Error         Invalid Command/parameters (followed by Error Byte)
If the shell is closed, then bit4 is automatically reset to zero after reading stat with the Nop command (most or all other commands do not reset that bit after reading). If stat bit0 or bit2 is set, then the normal respons(es) and interrupt(s) are not send, and, instead, INT5 occurs, and an error-byte is send as second response byte, with the following values:
  ___These values appear in the FIRST response; with stat.bit0 set___
  10h - Invalid Sub_function (for command 19h), or invalid parameter value
  20h - Wrong number of parameters
  40h - Invalid command
  80h - Cannot respond yet (eg. required info was not yet read from disk yet)
           (namely, TOC not-yet-read or so)
           (also appears if no disk inserted at all)
  ___These values appear in the SECOND response; with stat.bit2 set___
  04h - Seek failed (when trying to use SeekL on Audio CDs)
  ___These values appear even if no command was sent; with stat.bit2 set___
  08h - Drive door became opened
80h appears on some commands (02h..09h, 0Bh..0Dh, 10h..16h, 1Ah, 1Bh?, and 1Dh) when the disk is missing, or when the drive unit is disconnected from the mainboard.

When the shell is opened, INT5 is triggered regardless of whether a command was executing or not. When this happens, all bits except shell open and error are cleared in the status register. The error byte in the INT5 is set to 08h.

Some games send a Stop command before changing discs, but others just wait for the user to open the shell, causing the disc to stop. The game can then send Nop commands, looping until bit 4 is cleared to detect when the new disc has been inserted.

Stat Seek/Play/Read bits

There's is only max ONE of the three Seek/Play/Read bits set at a time, ie. during Seek, ONLY the seek bit is set (and Read or Play doesn't get until seek completion), that is important for Gran Turismo 1, which checks for seek completion by waiting for READ getting set (rather than waiting for SEEK getting cleared).

Nop - Command 01h --> INT3(stat)

Returns stat (like many other commands), and additionally does reset the shell open flag (for the following commands; unless the shell is still opened). This is different as for most or all other commands (which may return stat, but which do not reset the shell open flag).
In official docs, the command is eventually referred to as "Nop", believing that it does nothing than returning stat (ignoring the fact that it's having the special shell open reset feature).

Getparam - Command 0Fh --> INT3(stat,mode,null,file,channel)

Returns stat (see Nop above), mode (see Setmode), a null byte (always 00h), and file/channel filter values (see Setfilter).

GetlocL - Command 10h --> INT3(amm,ass,asect,mode,file,channel,sm,ci)

Retrieves 4-byte sector header, plus 4-byte subheader of the current sector. GetlocL can be send during active Read commands (but, mind that the GetlocL-INT3-response can't be received until any pending Read-INT1's are acknowledged).
The PSX hardware can buffer a handful of sectors, the INT1 handler receives the \<oldest> buffered sector, the GetlocL command returns the header and subheader of the \<newest> buffered sector. Note: If the returned \<newest> sector number is much bigger than the expected \<oldest> sector number, then it's likely that a buffer overrun has occured.
GetlocL fails (with error code 80h) when playing Audio CDs (or Audio Tracks on Data CDs). These errors occur because Audio sectors don't have any header/subheader (instead, equivalent data is stored in Subchannel Q, which can be read with GetlocP).
GetlocL also fails (with error code 80h) when the drive is in Seek phase (such like shortly after a new ReadN/ReadS command). In that case one can retry issuing GetlocL (until it passes okay, ie. until the seek has completed). During Seek, the drive seems to decode only Subchannel position data (but no header/subheader data), accordingly GetlocL won't work during seek (however, GetlocP does work during Seek).

GetlocP - Command 11h - INT3(track,index,mm,ss,sect,amm,ass,asect)

Retrieves 8 bytes of position information from Subchannel Q with ADR=1. Mainly intended for displaying the current audio position during Play. All results are in BCD.

  track:  track number (AAh=Lead-out area) (FFh=unknown, toc, none?)
  index:  index number (Usually 01h)
  mm:     minute number within track (00h and up)
  ss:     second number within track (00h to 59h)
  sect:   sector number within track (00h to 74h)
  amm:    minute number on entire disk (00h and up)
  ass:    second number on entire disk (00h to 59h)
  asect:  sector number on entire disk (00h to 74h)
Note: GetlocP is also used for reading the LibCrypt protection data:
CDROM Protection - LibCrypt

GetTN - Command 13h --> INT3(stat,first,last) ;BCD

Get first track number, and last track number in the TOC of the current Session. The number of tracks in the current session can be calculated as (last-first+1). The first track number is usually 01h in the first (or only) session, and "last track of previous session plus 1" in further sessions.

GetTD - Command 14h,track --> INT3(stat,mm,ss) ;BCD

For a disk with NN tracks, parameter values 01h..NNh return the start of the specified track, parameter value 00h returns the end of the last track, and parameter values bigger than NNh return error code 10h.
The GetTD values are relative to Index=1 and are rounded down to second boundaries (eg. if track=N Index=0 starts at 12:34:56, and Track=N Index=1 starts at 12:36:56, then GetTD(N) will return 12:36, ie. the sector number is truncated, and the Index=0 region is skipped).

GetQ - Command 1Dh,adr,point --> INT3(stat) --> INT2(10bytesSubQ,peak_lo)

  Caution: Supported only in BIOS version vC1 and up. Not supported in vC0.
  Caution: When unsupported, Parameter Fifo isn't cleared after the command.
Allows to read 10 bytes from Subchannel Q in Lead-In (see CDROM Subchannels chapter for details). Unlike GetTD, this command allows to receive the exact MM:SS:FF address of the point'ed Track (GetTD reads a memorized MM:SS value from RAM, whilst GetQ reads the full MM:SS:FF from the disk, which is slower than GetTD, due to the disk-access).
With ADR=1, point can be a any point number for ADR=1 in Lead-in (eg. 01h..99h=Track N, A2h=Lead-Out). The returned 10 bytes are raw SubQ data (starting with the ADR/Control value; of which the lower 4bits are always ADR=1).
The 11th returned byte is the Peak LSB (similar as in Play+Report, but in this case only the LSB is transferred, which is apparently a bug in CDROM BIOS, the programmer probably wanted to send 10 bytes without peak, or 12 bytes with full peak; although peak wouldn't be too useful, as it should always zero during Lead-In... but some discs do seem return non-zero values for whatever reason).
Aside from ADR=1, a value of ADR=5 can be used on multisession disks (eg. with point B0h, C0h). Not sure if any other ADR values can be used (ADR=3, ISRC is usually not in the Lead-In, ADR=2, EAN may be in the lead-in, but one may need to specify point equal to the first EAN byte).
If the ADR/Point combination isn't found, then a timeout occurs after circa 6 seconds (to avoid this, use GetTN to see which tracks/points exist). After the timeout, the command starts playing track 1. If the controller wasn't already in audio mode before sending the command, then it does switch off the drive motor for a moment (that, after the timeout, and before starting playback).
In case of timeout, the normal INT3/INT2 responses are replaced by INT3/INT5/INT5 (INT3 at command start, 1st INT5 at timeout/stop, and 2nd INT5 at restart/play).
Note: GetQ sends scratch noise to the SPU while seeking to the Lead-In area.

GetID - Command 1Ah --> INT3(stat) --> INT2/5 (stat,flags,type,atip,"SCEx")

  Drive Status           1st Response   2nd Response
  Door Open              INT5(11h,80h)  N/A
  Spin-up                INT5(01h,80h)  N/A
  Detect busy            INT5(03h,80h)  N/A
  No Disk                INT3(stat)     INT5(08h,40h, 00h,00h, 00h,00h,00h,00h)
  Audio Disk             INT3(stat)     INT5(0Ah,90h, 00h,00h, 00h,00h,00h,00h)
  Unlicensed:Mode1       INT3(stat)     INT5(0Ah,80h, 00h,00h, 00h,00h,00h,00h)
  Unlicensed:Mode2       INT3(stat)     INT5(0Ah,80h, 20h,00h, 00h,00h,00h,00h)
  Unlicensed:Mode2+Audio INT3(stat)     INT5(0Ah,90h, 20h,00h, 00h,00h,00h,00h)
  Debug/Yaroze:Mode2     INT3(stat)     INT2(02h,00h, 20h,00h, 20h,20h,20h,20h)
  Licensed:Mode2         INT3(stat)     INT2(02h,00h, 20h,00h, 53h,43h,45h,4xh)
  Modchip:Audio/Mode1    INT3(stat)     INT2(02h,00h, 00h,00h, 53h,43h,45h,4xh)
The status byte (ie. the first byte in the responses), may differ in some cases; values shown above are typically received when issuing GetID shortly after power-up; however, shortly after the detect-busy phase, seek-busy flag (bit6) bit may be set, and, after issuing commands like Play/Read/Stop, bit7,6,5,1 may differ. The meaning of the separate 2nd response bytes is:
  1st byte: stat  (as usually, but with bit3 same as bit7 in 2nd byte)
  2nd byte: flags (bit7=denied, bit4=audio... or reportedly import, uh?)
    bit7: Licensed (0=Licensed Data CD, 1=Denied Data CD or Audio CD)
    bit6: Missing  (0=Disk Present, 1=Disk Missing)
    bit4: Audio CD (0=Data CD, 1=Audio CD) (always 0 when Modchip installed)
  3rd byte: Disk type (from TOC Point=A0h) (eg. 00h=Audio or Mode1, 20h=Mode2)
  4th byte: Usually 00h (or 8bit ATIP from Point=C0h, if session info exists)
    that 8bit ATIP value is taken form the middle 8bit of the 24bit ATIP value
  5th-8th byte: SCEx region (eg. ASCII "SCEE" = Europe) (0,0,0,0 = Unlicensed)
The fourth letter of the "SCEx" string contains region information: "SCEI" (Japan/NTSC), "SCEA" (America/NTSC), "SCEE" (Europe/PAL). The "SCEx" string is displayed in the intro, and the PSX refuses to boot if it doesn't match up for the local region.
With a modchip installed, the same response is sent for Mode1 and Audio disks (except for Audio disks with very short TOCs (eg. singles) because SCEX reading is aborted immediately after reading all TOC entries on Audio disks); whether it is Audio or Mode1 can be checked by examining Subchannel Q ADR/Control.Bit6 (eg. via command 19h,60h,50h,00h).
Yaroze does return "SCEA" for SCEA discs, but, for SCEI,SCEE,SCEW discs it does return four ASCII spaces (20h).

CDROM - CD Audio Commands

To play CD-DA Audio CDs, init the following SPU Registers: CD Audio Volume, Main Volume, and SPU Control Bit0. Then send Demute command, and Play command.

Mute - Command 0Bh --> INT3(stat)

Turn off audio streaming to SPU (affects both CD-DA and XA-ADPCM).
Even when muted, the CDROM controller is internally processing audio sectors (as seen in 1F801800h.Bit2, which works as usually for XA-ADPCM), muting is just forcing the CD output volume to zero.
Mute is used by Dino Crisis 1 to mute noise during modchip detection.

Demute - Command 0Ch --> INT3(stat)

Turn on audio streaming to SPU (affects both CD-DA and XA-ADPCM). The Demute command is needed only if one has formerly used the Mute command (by default, the PSX is demuted after power-up (...and/or after Init command?), and is demuted after cdrom-booting).

Play - Command 03h (,track) --> INT3(stat) --> optional INT1(report bytes)

Starts CD Audio Playback. The parameter is optional, if there's no parameter given (or if it is 00h), then play either starts at Setloc position (if there was a pending unprocessed Setloc), or otherwise starts at the current location (eg. the last point seeked, or the current location of the current song; if it was already playing). For a disk with N songs, Parameters 1..N are starting the selected track. Parameters N+1..99h are restarting the begin of current track. The motor is switched off automatically when Play reaches the end of the disk, and INT4(stat) is generated (with stat.bit7 cleared).
The track parameter seems to be ignored when sending Play shortly after power-up (ie. when the drive hasn't yet read the TOC).
"Play is almost identical to CdlReadS, believe it or not. The main difference is that this does not trigger a completed read IRQ. CdlPlay may be used on data sectors. However, all sectors from data tracks are treated as 00, so no sound is played. As CdlPlay is reading, the audio data appears in the sector buffer, but is not reliable. Game Shark "enhancement CDs" for the 2.x and 3.x versions used this to get around the PSX copy protection."
Hmmm, what/where is the sector buffer... in the SPU?
And, what/who are the 2.x and 3.x versions?

Forward - Command 04h --> INT3(stat) --> optional INT1(report bytes)

Backward - Command 05h --> INT3(stat) --> optional INT1(report bytes)

After sending the command, the drive is in fast forward/backward mode, skipping every some sectors. The skipping rate is fixed (it doesn't increase after some seconds) (however, it increases when (as long as) sending the command again and again). The sound becomes (obviously) non-continous, and also rather very silent, muffled, and almost inaudible (that's making it rather useless; unless it's combined with a track/minute/second display). To terminate forward/backward, send a new Play command (with no parameters, so play starts at the "searched" location). Backward automatically switches to Play when reaching the begin of Track 1. Forward automatically Stops the drive motor with INT4(stat) when reaching the end of the last track.
Forward/Backwards work only if the drive was in Play state, and only if Play had already started (ie. not shortly/immediately after a Play command); if the drive was not in Play state, then INT5(stat+1,80h) occurs.

Setmode bits used for Play command

During Play, only bit 7,2,1 of Setmode are used, all other Setmode bits are ignored (that, including bit0, ie. during Play the drive is always in CD-DA mode, regardless of that bit).
Bit7 (double speed) should be usually off, although it can be used for a fast forward effect (with audible output). Bit2 (report) activates an optional interrupt for Play, Forward, and Backward commands (see below). Bit1 (autopause) pauses play at the end of the track.

Report --> INT1(stat,track,index,mm/amm,ss+80h/ass,sect/asect,peaklo,peakhi)

With report enabled via Setmode, the Play, Forward, and Backward commands do repeatedly generate INT1 interrupts, with eight bytes response length. The interrupt isn't generated on ALL sectors, and the response changes between absolute time, and time within current track (the latter one indicated by bit7 of ss):

  amm/ass/asect are returned on asect=00h,20h,40h,60h   ;-absolute time
  mm/ss+80h/sect are returned on asect=10h,30h,50h,70h  ;-within current track
  (or, in case of read errors, report may be returned on other asect's)
The last two response bytes (peaklo,peakhi) contain the Peak value, as received from the CXD2510Q Signal Processor. That is: An unsigned absolute peak level in lower 15bit, and an L/R flag in upper bit. The L/R bit is toggled after each SUBQ read, however the PSX Report mode does usually forward SUBQ only every 10 frames (but does read SUBQ in \<every> frame), so L/R will stay stuck in one setting (but may toggle after one second; ie. after 75 frames). And, peak is reset after each read, so 9 of the 10 frames are lost.
Note: Report mode affects only CD Audio (not Data, nor XA-ADPCM sectors).

AutoPause --> INT4(stat)

Autopause can be enabled/disabled via Setmode.bit1:

  Setmode.bit1=1: AutoPause=On  --> Issue INT4(stat) and PAUSE at end of TRACK
  Setmode.bit1=0: AutoPause=Off --> Issue INT4(stat) and STOP at end of DISC
End of Track is determined by sensing a track number transition in SubQ position info. After autopause, the disc stays at the \<end> of the old track, NOT at the \<begin> of the next track (so trying to resume playing by sending a new Play command without new Seek/Setloc command will instantly pause again).
Caution: SubQ track transitions may pause instantly when accidently starting to play at the end of the previous track rather than at begin of desired track (this \<might> happen due to seek inaccuracies, for example, GetTD does round down TOC entries from MM:SS:FF to MM:SS:00, which may be off by 0.99 seconds, although this error should be usually compensated by the leading 2-second pregap/index0 region at the begin of each track, unfortunately there are a few .CUE sheet files that do lack both PREGAP and INDEX 00 entries on audio tracks, which might cause problems with autopause).
AutoPause is used by Rayman and Tactics Ogre.

Playing XA-ADPCM Sectors (compressed audio data)

Aside from normal uncompressed CD Audio disks, the PSX can also play XA-ADPCM compressed sectors. XA-ADPCM sectors are organized in Files (not in tracks), and are "played" with Read command (not Play command).
To play XA-ADPCM, initialize the SPU for CD Audio input (as described above), enable ADPCM via Setmode, then select the sector via Setloc, and issue a Read command (typically ReadS).
XA-ADPCM sectors are interleaved, ie. only each Nth sector should be played (where "N" depends on the Motor Speed, mono/stereo format, and sample rate). If the "other" sectors do contain XA-ADPCM data too, then the Setfilter command (and XA-Filter enable flag in Setmode) must be used to select the desired sectors. If the "other" sectors do contain code or data (eg. MDEC video data) which is wanted to be send to the CPU, then SetFilter isn't required to be enabled (although it shouldn't disturb reading even if it is enabled).
If XA-ADPCM (and/or XA-Filter) is enabled via Setmode, then INT1 is generated only for non-ADPCM sectors.
The Setmode sector-size selection is don't care for forwarding XA-ADPCM sectors to the SPU (the hardware does always decompress all 900h bytes).

CDROM - Test Commands

CDROM - Test Commands - Version, Switches, Region, Chipset, SCEx
CDROM - Test Commands - Test Drive Mechanics
CDROM - Test Commands - Prototype Debug Transmission
CDROM - Test Commands - Read/Write Decoder RAM and I/O Ports
CDROM - Test Commands - Read HC05 SUB-CPU RAM and I/O Ports

CDROM - Test Commands - Version, Switches, Region, Chipset, SCEx

19h,20h --> INT3(yy,mm,dd,ver)

Indicates the date (Year-month-day, in BCD format) and version of the HC05 CDROM controller BIOS. Known/existing values are:

  (unknown)        ;DTL-H2000 (with SPC700 instead HC05)
  94h,09h,19h,C0h  ;PSX (PU-7)               19 Sep 1994, version vC0 (a)
  94h,11h,18h,C0h  ;PSX (PU-7)               18 Nov 1994, version vC0 (b)
  94h,11h,28h,01h  ;PSX (DTL-H2000)          28 Nov 1994, version v01 (debug)
  95h,05h,16h,C1h  ;PSX (LATE-PU-8)          16 May 1995, version vC1 (a)
  95h,07h,24h,C1h  ;PSX (LATE-PU-8)          24 Jul 1995, version vC1 (b)
  95h,07h,24h,D1h  ;PSX (LATE-PU-8,debug ver)24 Jul 1995, version vD1 (debug)
  96h,08h,15h,C2h  ;PSX (PU-16, Video CD)    15 Aug 1996, version vC2 (VCD)
  96h,08h,18h,C1h  ;PSX (LATE-PU-8,yaroze)   18 Aug 1996, version vC1 (yaroze)
  96h,09h,12h,C2h  ;PSX (PU-18) (japan)      12 Sep 1996, version vC2 (a.jap)
  97h,01h,10h,C2h  ;PSX (PU-18) (us/eur)     10 Jan 1997, version vC2 (a)
  97h,08h,14h,C2h  ;PSX (PU-20)              14 Aug 1997, version vC2 (b)
  98h,06h,10h,C3h  ;PSX (PU-22)              10 Jun 1998, version vC3 (a)
  99h,02h,01h,C3h  ;PSX/PSone (PU-23, PM-41) 01 Feb 1999, version vC3 (b)
  A1h,03h,06h,C3h  ;PSone/late (PM-41(2))    06 Jun 2001, version vC3 (c)
  (unknown)        ;PS2,   xx xxx xxxx, late PS2 models...?

19h,21h --> INT3(flags)

Returns the current status of the POS0 and DOOR switches.

  Bit0   = HeadIsAtPos0 (0=No, 1=Pos0)
  Bit1   = DoorIsOpen   (0=No, 1=Open)
  Bit2   = EjectButtonOrOutSwOrSo? (DTL-H2000 only) (always 0 on retail)
  Bit3-7 = AlwaysZero

19h,22h --> INT3("for Europe")

  Caution: Supported only in BIOS version vC1 and up. Not supported in vC0.
Indicates the region that console is to be used in:
  INT5(11h,10h)      --> NTSC, Japan (vC0)         --> requires "SCEI" discs
  INT3("for Europe") --> PAL, Europe               --> requires "SCEE" discs
  INT3("for U/C")    --> NTSC, North America       --> requires "SCEA" discs
  INT3("for Japan")  --> NTSC, Japan / NTSC, Asia  --> requires "SCEI" discs
  INT3("for NETNA")  --> Region-free yaroze version--> requires "SCEx" discs
  INT3("for US/AEP") --> Region-free debug version --> accepts unlicensed CDRs
The CDROMs must contain a matching SCEx string accordingly.
The string "for Europe" does also suggest 50Hz PAL/SECAM video hardware.
The Yaroze accepts any normal SCEE,SCEA,SCEI discs, plus special SCEW discs.

19h,23h --> INT3("CXD2940Q/CXD1817Q/CXD2545Q/CXD1782BR") ;Servo Amplifier

19h,24h --> INT3("CXD2940Q/CXD1817Q/CXD2545Q/CXD2510Q") ;Signal Processor

19h,25h --> INT3("CXD2940Q/CXD1817Q/CXD1815Q/CXD1199BQ") ;Decoder/FIFO

  Caution: Supported only in BIOS version vC1 and up. Not supported in vC0.
Indicates the chipset that the CDROM controller is intended to be used with. The strings aren't always precisely correct (CXD1782BR is actually CXA1782BR, ie. CXA, not CXD) (and CXD1199BQ chips exist on PU-7 boards, but later PU-8 boards do actually use CXD1815Q) (and CXD1817Q is actually CXD1817R) (and newer PSones are using CXD2938Q or possibly CXD2941R chips, but nothing called CXD2940Q).
Note: Yaroze responds by CXD1815BQ instead of CXD1199BQ (but not by CXD1815Q).

19h,04h --> INT3(stat) ;Read SCEx string (and force motor on)

Resets the total/success counters to zero, and does then try to read the SCEx string from the current location (the SCEx is stored only in the Lead-In area, so, if the drive head is elsewhere, it will usually not find any strings, unless a modchip is permanently simulating SCEx strings).
This is a raw test command (the successful or unsuccessful results do not lock/unlock the disk). The results can be read with command 19h,05h (which will terminate the SCEx reading), or they can be read from RAM with command 19h,60h,lo,hi (which doesn't stop reading). Wait 1-2 seconds before expecting any results.
Note: Like 19h,00h, this command forces the drive motor to spin at standard speed (synchronized with the data on the disk), works even if the shell is open (but stops spinning after a while if the drive is empty).

19h,05h --> INT3(total,success) ;Get SCEx Counters

Returns the total number of "Sxxx" strings received (where at least the first byte did match), and the number of full "SCEx" strings (where all bytes did match). Typically, the values are "01h,01h" for Licensed PSX Data CDs, or "00h,00h" for disk missing, unlicensed data CDs, Audio CDs.
The counters are reset to zero, and SCEx receive mode is active for a few seconds after booting a new disk (on power up, on closing the drive door, on sending a Reset command, and on sub_function 04h). The disk is unlocked if the "success" counter is nonzero, the only exception is sub_function 04h which does update the counters, but does not lock/unlock the disk.

CDROM - Test Commands - Test Drive Mechanics

Signal Processor and Servo Amplifier

19h,50h,msb[,mid,[lsb[,xlo]]] --> INT3(stat)

Sends an 8bit/16bit/24bit command to the hardware, depending on number of parameters:

  1 byte  --> send CX(Xx)       ;short 8bit command
  2 bytes --> send CX(Xxxx)     ;longer 16bit command
  3 bytes --> send CX(Xxxxxx)   ;full 24bit command
  4 bytes --> send CX(Xxxxxxxx) ;extended 32bit command (BIOS vC3 only)
  4..15 bytes: acts same as max (3 or 4 bytes) (extra bytes are ignored)
  0 bytes or more than 15 bytes: generates an error

19h,51h,msb[,mid,[lsb]] --> INT3(stat,hi,lo) ;BIOS vC2/vC3 only

Supported by newer CDROM BIOSes only (such that use CXD2545Q or newer chips).
Works same as 19h,50h, but does additionally receive a response.
The command is always sending a 24bit CX(Xxxxxx) command, but it doesn't verify the number of parameter bytes (when using more than 3 bytes: extra bytes are ignored, when using less than 3 bytes: garbage is appended, which is somewhat valid because 8bit/16bit commands can be padded to 24bit size by appending "don't care" bits).
The command can be used to send any CX(..) command, but actually it does make sense only for the get-status commands, see below "19h,51h,39h,xxh" description.

19h,51h,39h,xxh --> INT3(stat,hi,lo) ;BIOS vC2/vC3 only

Supported by newer CDROM BIOSes only (such that use CXD2545Q or newer chips).
Sends CX(39xx) to the hardware, and receives a response (the response.hi byte is usually 00h for 8bit responses, or 00h..01h for 9bit responses). For example, this can be used to dump the Coefficient RAM.

19h,03h --> INT3(stat) ;force motor off

Forces the motor to stop spinning (ignored during spin-up phase).

19h,17h --> INT3(stat) ;force motor on, clockwise, super-fast

19h,01h --> INT3(stat) ;force motor on, anti-clockwise, super-fast

19h,02h --> INT3(stat) ;force motor on, anti-clockwise, super-fast

19h,10h --> INT3(stat) ;force motor on, anti-clockwise, super-fast

19h,18h --> INT3(stat) ;force motor on, anti-clockwise, super-fast

Forces the drive motor to spin at maximum speed (which is much faster than normal or double speed), in normal (clockwise), or reversed (anti-clockwise) direction. The commands work even if the shell is open. The commands do not try to synchronize the motor with the data on the disk (and do thus work even if no disk is inserted).

19h,00h --> INT3(stat) ;force motor on, clockwise (even if shell open)

This command seems to have effect only if the drive motor was off. If it was off, it does FFh-fills the TOC entries in RAM, and seek to the begin of the TOC at 98:30:00 or so (where minute=98 means minus two). From that location, it follows the spiral on the disk, although it does occassionally jump back some seconds. After clearing the TOC, the command does not write new data to the TOC buffer in RAM.
Note: Like 19h,04h, this command forces the drive motor to spin at standard speed (synchronized with the data on the disk), works even if the shell is open (but stops spinning after a while if the drive is empty).

19h,11h --> INT3(stat) ;Move Lens Up (leave parking position)

19h,12h --> INT3(stat) ;Move Lens Down (enter parking position)

19h,13h --> INT3(stat) ;Move Lens Outwards (away from center of disk)

19h,14h --> INT3(stat) ;Move Lens Inwards (towards center of disk)

Moves the laser lens. The inwards/outwards commands do move ONLY the lens (ie. unlike as for Seek commands, the overall-laser-unit remains in place, only the lens is moved).

19h,15h - if motor on: move head outwards + inwards + motor off

Moves the drive head to outer-most and inner-most position. Note that the drive doesn't have a switch that'd tell the controller when it has reached the outer-most position (so it'll forcefully hit against the outer edge) (ie. using this command too often may destroy the drive mechanics).
Note: The same destructive hit-outer-edge effect happens when using Setloc/Seek with too large values (like minute=99h).

19h,16h --> INT3(stat) ;Unknown / makes some noise if motor is on

19h,19h --> INT3(stat) ;Unknown / no effect

19h,1Ah --> INT3(stat) ;Unknown / makes some noise if motor is on

Seem to have no effect?
19h,16h seems to Move Lens Inwards, too.

19h,06h,new --> INT3(old) ;Adjust balance in RAM, and apply it via CX(30+n)

19h,07h,new --> INT3(old) ;Adjust gain in RAM, and apply it via CX(38+n)

19h,08h,new --> INT3(old) ;Adjust balance in RAM only

These commands are supported only by older CDROM BIOS versions (those with CXA1782BR Servo Amplifier).
Later BIOSes will respond with INT5(11h,20h) when trying to use these commands (because CXD2545Q and later Servo Amplifiers don't support the CX(30/38+n) commands).

CDROM - Test Commands - Prototype Debug Transmission

Serial Debug Messages

Older CDROM BIOSes are supporting debug message transmission via serial bus, using lower 3bit of the HC05 "databus" combined with the so-called "ROMSEL" pin (which apparently doesn't refer to Read-Only-Memory, but rather something like Runtime-Output-Message, or whatever).
Data is transferred in 24bit units (8bit command/index from HC05, followed by 16bit data to/from HC05), bigger messages are divided into multiple such 24bit snippets.
There are no connectors for external debug hardware on any PSX mainboards, so the whole stuff seems to be dating back to prototypes. And it seems to be removed from later BIOSes (which appear to use "ROMSEL" as "SCLK"; for receiving status info from the new CXD2545Q chips).

19h,30h,index,dat1,dat2 --> INT3(stat) ;Prototype/Debug stuff

19h,31h,dat1,dat2 --> INT3(stat) ;Prototype/Debug stuff

19h,4xh,index --> INT3(dat1,dat2) ;Prototype/Debug stuff

These functions are supported on older CDROM BIOS only; later BIOSes respond by INT5(11h,10h).
The functions do not affect the CDROM operation (they do simple allow to transfer data between Main CPU and external debug hardware).
Sub functions 30h and 31h may fail with INT5(11h,80h) when receiving wrong signals on the serial input line.
Sub function "4xh" value can be 40h..4Fh (don't care).

INT5 Debug Messages

Alongsides to INT5 errors, the BIOS is usually also sending information via the above serial bus (the error info is divided into multiple 8bit+16bit snippets, and contains stat, error code, mode, current SubQ position, and most recently issued command).

CDROM - Test Commands - Read/Write Decoder RAM and I/O Ports

Caution: Below commands 19h,71h..76h are supported only in BIOS version vC1 and up. Not supported in vC0.

19h,71h,index --> INT3(databyte) ;Read single register

index can be 00h..1Fh, bigger values seem to be mirrored to "index AND 1Fh", with one exception: index 13h in NOT mirrored, instead, index 33h, 53h, 93h, B3h, D3h, F3h return INT5(stat+1,10h), and index 73h returns INT5(stat+1,20h).
Aside from returning a value, the commands seem to DO something (like moving the drive head when a disk is inserted). Return values are usually:

  index     value
  00h       04h      ;04h=empty, 8Eh=licensed, 24h=audio
  01h       [0B1h]   ;DCh=empty/licensed, DDh=audio
  02h       00h
  03h       00h          ;or variable when disk inserted
  04h       00h
  05h       80h          ;or 86h or 89h when disk inserted
  06h       C0h
  07h       02h
  08h       8Ah
  09h       C0h
  0Ah       00h
  0Bh       C0h
  0Ch       [1F2h]
  0Dh       [1F3h]
  0Eh       00h          ;or 8Eh or E6h when disk inserted    ;D4h/audio
  0Fh       00h          ;or sometimes 01h when disk inserted ;50h/audio
  10h       C0h
  11h       E0h
  12h       71h
  13h       stat
  14h       FFh
  15h..1Fh  C0h-filled        ;or 17h --> DEh

19h,72h,index,databyte --> INT3(stat) ;Write single register

  ;other response on param xx16h,xx18h with xx>00h

19h,73h,index,len --> INT3(databytes...) ;Read multiple registers (bugged)

19h,74h,index,len,databytes --> INT3(stat) ;Write multiple registers (bugged)

Same as read/write single register, but trying to transfer multiple registers at once. BUG: The transfer should range from 00h to len-1, but the loop counter is left uninitialized (set to X=48h aka "command number 19h-minus-1-mul-2" instead of X=00h). Causing to the function to read/write garbage at index 48h..FFh, it does then wrap to 00h and do the correct intended transfer, but the preceeding bugged part may have smashed RAM or I/O ports.

19h,75h --> INT3(remain.lo,remain.hi,addr.lo,addr.hi) ;Get Host Xfer Info

Returns a 4-byte value. In my early tests, on the first day it returned B1h,CEh,4Ch,01h, on the next day 2Ch,E4h,95h,D5h, and on all following days 00h,C0h,00h,00h (no idea why/where the earlier values came from).
The first byte seems to be always 00h; no matter of [1F0h].
The second byte seems to be always C0h; no matter of [1F1h].
The third,fourth bytes are [1F2h,1F3h].
That two bytes are 0Ch,08h after Read commands.

  The first bytes are NOT affected by:
  destroying [1F0h] via too-many-parameters in command-buffer,
  changes to [1F1h] which may occur after read command (eg. may be 20h)

19h,76h,len_lo,len_hi,addr_lo,addr_hi --> INT3(stat) ;Prepare SRAM Transfer

Prepare Transfer to/from 32K SRAM.
After INT3, data can be read (same way as sector data after INT1).

CDROM - Test Commands - Read HC05 SUB-CPU RAM and I/O Ports

19h,60h,addr_lo,addr_hi --> INT3(data) ;Read one byte from Drive RAM or I/O

Reads one byte from the controller's RAM or I/O area, see the memory map below for more info. Among others, the command allows to read Subchannel Q data, eg. at [200h..209h], including ADR=2/UPC/EAN and ADR=3/ISRC values (which are suppressed by GetlocP). Eg. wait for ADR\<>2, then for ADR=2, then read the remaining 9 bytes (because of the delayed IRQs, this works only at single speed) (at double speed one can read only 5 bytes before the values get overwritten by new data). Unknown if older boards (with 4.00MHz oscillators) are fast enough to read all 10 SubQ bytes.

CDROM Controller I/O Area and RAM Memory Map

First 40h bytes are I/O ports (as in MC68HC05 datasheet):

  000h 4        FF 7B 00 FF  (other when disk inserted)
  004h 5        11 00 20 20 0C
  009h 1        00 (when disk inserted: changes between 00 or 80)
  00Ah 2        71 00
  00Ch 1        00 (when disk inserted: changes between 00 or 80)
  00Dh 3        20 20 20
  010h 8        02 80 00 60 00 00 99(orBB) 98
  018h 4     changes randomly (even when no disk inserted)
  01Ch 3        40 00 41
  01Fh 1     changes randomly (even when no disk inserted)
  020h 30    20h-filled
  03Eh 2        82h 20h
Next 200h bytes are RAM:
  040h 4        08 00 00 00  ;or 98 07 xx 0B when disk inserted ;[40].Bit1=MUTE
  044h 4     00h-filled
  048h 3        40 20 00     ;or 58 71 0F when disk inserted
  04Bh 1     changes randomly (nodisk: 00 or 80 / disk: BFh)
  04Ch 1     Zero (or C0h)
  04Dh 3     MM:SS:FF (begin of current track MM:SS:00h) (or increasing addr)
  050h 10    Subchannel Q (adjusted position values)
  05Ah 2        ...
  05Ch 1     00h (or 64h)
  05Dh 3     MM:SS:FF (current read address) (sticky address during pause)
  060h 1     increments at circa 16Hz or so (or other rate when spinning)
  061h 12    00h-filled ;or else when disk inserted
  06Dh 1        01      ;or 0C when disk inserted
  06Eh 2     SetFilter setting (file,channel)
  070h 16    00h-filled ;or else when disk inserted
  080h 8     00h-filled
  088h 3        03:SS:FF (three, second, fraction)
  08Bh 3        03:SS:FF (three, second, fraction)
  08Eh 2        01 FF (or other values)
  090h 1        00h (or 91h when disk inserted + spinning)
  091h 13    Zero
  09Eh 1        00h (or 01h when disk inserted + spinning)
  09Fh 1     Zero
  0A0h 1     Always 23h
  0A1h 1        09h (5Dh when disk inserted)
  0A2h 7     00h-filled
  0A9h 1        40
  0AAh 4     00h-filled
  0AEh 1        00 (no disk) or 01 (disk) or so
  0AFh 1        00            ;or 06 when disk inserted
  0B0h 7        00 DC 00 02 00 E0 08             ;\or else when disk inserted
  0B7h 1        20         ;Bit6+7=MUTE          ;
  0B8h 3        DE 00 00                         ;/
  0BBh 1     SetMode setting (mode)
  0BCh 1     \ setting (stat)
  0BDh 3     00h-filled
  0C0h 6     FFh-filled            ;stack...                    ;\
  0C6h 1     Usually DFh           ;sometimes [0EBh and up] are non-FFh, too
  0C7h 15    FFh-filled            ;(depending on disk or commands or so)
  0D6h 1     Usually FDh (or FFh)  ;                            ;
  0D7h 24    FFh-filled                                         ; stack
  0EFh 4     on power-up FFh-filled, other once when disk read  ;
  0F3h 7     changes randomly (even when no disk inserted)      ;
  0FAh 6       2E 3C 2A D6 10 95                                ;/
  100h 2x99  TOC Entries for Start of Track 1..99 (MM:SS)
  1C6h 1     TOC First Track number (usually 01h)
  1C7h 1     TOC Last Track number (usually 01h or higher)
  1C8h 3     TOC Entry for Start of Lead-Out (MM:SS:FF)
  1CBh 2     Zero
  1CDh 1     Depends on disk (01 or 02 or 06) (or 00 when no disk)
  1CEh 1     Zero
  1CFh 1     Depends on disk (NULL minus N*6) (or 00 when no disk)
               (maybe reflection level / laser intensity or so)
                01 00 E8 --> licensed/metalgear/kain
                01 00 EE --> licensed/alone2
                06 00 E2 or 00 00 02 00 E8 --> licensed/wipeout
                02 00 DC --> unlicensed/elo
                02 00 D6 --> unlicensed/driver
                00 00 EE --> audio/lola
                00 00 FA --> audio/marilyn
                00 00 F4 --> audio/westen
                00 00 00 --> disk missing
               last byte is always in steps of 6
  1D0h 4     SCEx String
  1D4h 4     Zero
  1D8h 2     SCEx Counters (total,success)  ;for command 19h,05h
  1DAh 6       00h-filled     (or ... SS:FF)
  1E0h 6     Command Buffer (usually 19h,60h,E2h,01h = Read RAM Command)
  1E6h 7       00h-filled (unless destroyed by more-than-6-byte-commands)
  1EDh 3     Setloc setting (MM:SS:FF)
  1F0h 1       00h          (unless destroyed by more-than-6-byte-commands)
  1F1h 3       C0h 00h 00h ;or 20h,0Ch,50h or C0h,0Ch,08h ;for command(19h,75h)
                           ;or 00h,00h,00h for audio
                           ;or 80h,00h,00h for disk missing
  1F4h 4       00h-filled ... or SCEx string
  1F8h 1       00h
  1F9h 1     Selected Target (parameter from Play and SetSession commands)
  1FAh 5       00h-filled       ;01 01 00 8B 00 00   ;or 01 02 8B 00 00
                       01 00 8B 00 00 -- audio/unlicensed
                       01 01 00 00 00 -- licensed
  1FFh 1       00h-on power up, changes when disk inserted  ;or 01 = Playing
    1FDh 3       MM:SS:FF (only during command 19h,00h) (MM=98..99=TOC)
  200h 10    Subchannel Q (real values)
  20Ah 2       whatever
  20Ch 1     Zero
  20Dh 1     Desired Session (from SetSession command)
  20Eh 1     Current Session (actual location of drive head)
  20Fh 1     Zero
  210h 10    Subchannel Q (adjusted position values)
  21Ah 6     00h-filled
  220h 4     Data Sector Header (MM:SS:FF:Mode)
  224h 4     Data Sector CD-XA Subheader (file,channel,sm,ci)
  228h 1         00h
  229h 1     Usually 00h (shortly other value on power-up, and maybe on seek)
  22Ah 1         10h (or 00h when no disk)
  22Bh 3     00h-filled
  22Eh 2         01,03 or 0A,00 or 03,01 (or else for other disk)
  230h 3     00h-filled (or other during spin-up / read-toc or so)
  233h 0Dh   00h-filled (unused RAM)
Other/invalid addresses are:
  240h..2FFh  - Invalid (00h-filled) (no ROM, RAM, or I/O mapped here)
  300h..3FFh  - Mirror of 200h..2FFh    ;\the BIOS is doing that
  400h..FFFFh - Mirrors of 000h..3FFh   ;/mirroring by software

DTL-H2000 Memory Map

This version allows to read the whole 64Kbyte memory space (withou mirroring everything to first 300h bytes). I/O Ports and Variables are at different locations:

  000h..0DFh   RAM Part 1 (C0h bytes)
  0E0h..0FFh   I/O Area
  100h..1DFh   RAM Part 2 (C0h bytes)
  1E0h..1FFh   I/O Area
  200h..2DFh   RAM Part 3 (100h bytes)
  2E0h..7FFFh  Unknown
  8000h-BFFFh  Unknown  (lower 16K of 32K EPROM) (or unused?)
  C000h-FFFFh  Firmware (upper 16K of 32K EPROM)

Writing to RAM

There is no command for writing to RAM. Except that, one can write to the command/parameter buffer at 1E0h and up. Normally, the longest known command should have 6 bytes (19h,76h,a,b,c,d), and longer commands results in "bad number of parameters" response - however, despite of that error message, the controller does still store ALL parameter bytes in RAM (at address 1E1h..2E0h, then wrapping back to 1E1h). Whereas, writing more than 16 bytes (FIFO storage size) will mirror the FIFO content twice, and more than 32 bytes (FIFO counter size) will work only when feeding extra data into the FIFO during transmission. Anyways, writing to 1E1h and up doesn't allow to do interesting things (such like manipulating the stack and executing custom code on the CPU).

Subchannel Q Notes

The "adjusted position values" at 050h, 210h, 310h contain only position information (with ADR=1) (the PSX seems to check only the lower 2bit of the 4bit ADR value, so it also treats ADR=5 as ADR=1, too). Additionally, during Lead-In, bytes 7..9 are overwritten by the position value from bytes 3..5. The "real values" contain unadjusted data, including ADR=2 and ADR=3 etc.

CDROM - Secret Unlock Commands

SecretUnlockPart1 - Command 50h --> INT5(11h,40h)

SecretUnlockPart2 - Command 51h,"Licensed by" --> INT5(11h,40h)

SecretUnlockPart3 - Command 52h,"Sony" --> INT5(11h,40h)

SecretUnlockPart4 - Command 53h,"Computer" --> INT5(11h,40h)

SecretUnlockPart5 - Command 54h,"Entertainment" --> INT5(11h,40h)

SecretUnlockPart6 - Command 55h,\<region> --> INT5(11h,40h)

SecretUnlockPart7 - Command 56h --> INT5(11h,40h)

  Caution: Supported only in BIOS version vC1 and up. Not supported in vC0.
  Caution: Supported only in Europe/USA. Nonfunctional in Japan/Asia.
  Caution: When unsupported, Parameter Fifo isn't cleared after the command.
Sending these commands with the correct strings (in order 50h through 56h) does disable the "SCEx" protection. The region can be detected via test command 19h,22h, and must be translated to the following \<region> string:
  "of America"    ;for NTSC/US          ;\
  "(Europe)"      ;for PAL/Europe       ; handled, and actually working
  "World wide"    ;for Yaroze           ;/
  "Inc."          ;for NTSC/JP          ;-non-functional
In the unlocked state, ReadN/ReadS are working for unlicensed CD-Rs, and for imported CDROMs from other regions (both without needing modchips). However there are some cases which may still cause problems: The GetID command (1Ah) does still identify the disc as being unlicensed, same for the Get SCEx Counters test command (19h,05h). And, if a game should happen to send the Reset command (1Ch) for some weird reason, then the BIOS would forget the unlocking, same for games that set the "HCRISD" I/O port bit. On the contrary, opening/closing the drive door does not affect the unlocking state.
The commands have been discovered in September 2013, and appear to be supported by all CDROM BIOS versions (from old PSXes up to later PSones).
Note that the commands do always respond with INT5 errors (even on successful unlocking).
Japanese consoles are internally containing code for processing the Secret Unlock commands, but they are not actually executing that code, and even if they would do so: they are ignoring the resulting unlocking flag, making the commands nonfunctional in Japan/Asia regions.

SecretLock - Command 57h --> INT5(11h,40h)

Undoes the unlocking and restores the normal locked state (same happens when sending the Unlocking commands in wrong order or with wrong parameters).

SecretCrash - Command 58h..5Fh --> Crash

Jumps to a data area and executes random code. Results are more or less unpredictable (as they involve executing undefined opcodes). Eventually the CPU might hit a RET opcode and recover from the crash.

CDROM - Video CD Commands

  Caution: Supported only on SCPH-5903, not supported on any other consoles.
  Caution: When unsupported, Parameter Fifo isn't cleared after the command.
  1Fh VideoCD      sub,a,b,c,d,e   INT3(stat,a,b,c,d,e)   ;<-- SCPH-5903 only
  1Fh..4Fh -       -               INT5(11h,40h)  ;-Unused/invalid

VideoCdSio - Cmd 1Fh,01h,JoyL,JoyH,State,Task,0 --> INT3(stat,req,mm,ss,ff,x)

The JoyL/JoyH bytes contain 16bit button (and drive door) bits:

  0  Drive Door  (0=Open)    (from CDROM stat bit4) ;Open
  1  Button /\   (0=Pressed) (from PSX pad bit12) ;N/A       ;PBC: Back/LevelUp
  2  Button []   (0=Pressed) (from PSX pad bit15) ;Enter Menu
  3  Button ()   (0=Pressed) (from PSX pad bit13) ;Leave Menu     ;PBC: Confirm
  4  Button ><   (0=Pressed) (from PSX pad bit14) ;N/A
  5  Start       (0=Pressed) (from PSX pad bit3)  ;Play/Pause
  6  Select      (0=Pressed) (from PSX pad bit0)  ;Stop (prompt restart/resume)
  7  Always 0    (0)         (fixed)              ;N/A
  8  DPAD Up     (0=Pressed) (from PSX pad bit4)  ;Menu Up           ;PBC: +1
  9  DPAD Right  (0=Pressed) (from PSX pad bit5)  ;Menu Right/change ;PBC: +10
  10 DPAD Down   (0=Pressed) (from PSX pad bit6)  ;Menu Down         ;PBC: -1
  11 DPAD Left   (0=Pressed) (from PSX pad bit7)  ;Menu Left/change  ;PBC: -10
  12 Button R1   (0=Pressed) (from PSX pad bit11) ;Prev Track/Restart Track
  13 Button R2   (0=Pressed) (from PSX pad bit9)  ;Fast Forward (slowly)
  14 Button L1   (0=Pressed) (from PSX pad bit10) ;Next Track (if any)
  15 Button L2   (0=Pressed) (from PSX pad bit8)  ;Fast Backward (slowly)
The State byte can be:
  00h  Motor Off (or spin-up)   (when stat.bit1=0)
  01h  Playing                  (when stat.bit7=1)
  02h  Paused (and not seeking) (when stat.bit6=0)
  (note: State remains unchanged when seeking)
The Task byte can be:
  00h = Confirms that "Tocread" (aka setsession 1) request was processed
  01h = Detect VCD Disc (used on power-up, and after door open) (after spin-up)
  02h = Handshake (request ack response)
  0Ah = Door opened during play (int5/door error)
  80h = No disc
  FFh = No change (nop)
The req byte in the INT3 response can be:
  00h  Normal (no special event occured and no action requested)
  01h  Request CD to Seek_and_play (using mm:ss:ff response parameter bytes)
  02h  Request CD to Pause                ;cmd(09h)    -->int3(stat),int2(stat)
  03h  Request CD to Stop                 ;cmd(08h)    -->int3(stat),int2(stat)
  04h  Request CD to Tocread (setsession1);cmd(12h,01h)-->int3(stat),int2(stat)
  05h  Handshake Command was processed, and this is the "ack" response
  06h  Request CD to Fast Forward         ;cmd(04h)    -->int3(stat)
  07h  Request CD to Fast Backward        ;cmd(05h)    -->int3(stat)
  80h  Detect Command was processed, and disc was detected as VCD
  81h  Detect Command was processed, and disc was detected as Non-VCD

VideoCdSwitch - Cmd 1Fh,02h,flag,x,x,x,x --> INT3(stat,0,0,x,x,x)

  00h      = Normal PSX Mode  (PortF.3=LOW)  (Audio/Video from GPU/SPU chips)
  01h..FFh = Special VCD Mode (PortF.3=HIGH) (Audio/Video from MDEC/OSD chips)

Some findings on the SC430924 firmware...

The version/date is "15 Aug 1996, version C2h", although the "C2h" is misleading: The firmware is nearly identical to version "C1h" from PU-8 boards (the stuff added in normal "C2h" versions would be for PU-18 boards with different cdrom chipset).

Compared to the original C1h version, there are only a few changes: A initialization function for initializing port F on power-up. And new command (command 1Fh, inserted in the various command tables), with two subfunctions (01h and 02h):
- Command 1Fh,01h,a,b,c,d,e --> INT3(stat,a,b,c,d,e) Serial 5-byte read-write
- Command 1Fh,02h,v,x,x,x,x --> INT3(stat,0,0,x,x,x) Toggle 1bit (port F.bit3)

  x = don't care/garbage
  v = toggle state (00h=normal=PortF.3=LOW, 01h..FFh=special=PortF.3=HIGH)
      (toggle gpu vs mpeg maybe?)
  a,b,c,d,e = five bytes sent serially, and five bytes response received
      serially (send/receive done simultaneously)

The Port F bits are:

  Port F.Bit0 = Serial Data In
  Port F.Bit1 = Serial Data Out
  Port F.Bit2 = Serial Clock Out
  Port F.Bit3 = Toggle (0=Normal, 1=Special)

And that's about all. Ie. essentially, the only change is that the new command controls Port F. There is no interaction with the remaining firmware (ie. reading, seeking, and everything is working as usually, without any video-cd related changes).
The SCEx stuff is also not affected (ie. Video CDs would be seen as unlicensed discs, so the PSX couldn't read anything from those discs, aside from Sub-Q position data, of course). The SCEx region is SCEI aka "Japan" (or actually for Asia in this case).


The SPU MUTE Flag (SPUCNT.14) does also affect VCD Audio (mute is applied to the final analog audio amplifier). All other SPUCNT bits can be zero for VCD.

CDROM - Mainloop/Responses

SUB-CPU Mainloop

The SUB-CPU is running a mainloop that is handling hardware events (by simple polling, not by IRQs):

  check for incoming sectors (from CDROM decoder)
  check for incoming commands (from Main CPU)
  do maintenance stuff on the drive mechanics
There is no fixed priority: if both incoming sector and incoming command are present, then the SUB-CPU may handle either one, depending on which portion of the mainloop it is currently executing.
There is no fixed timing: if the mainloop is just checking for a specific event, then a new event may be processed immediately, otherwise it may take whole mainloop cycle until the SUB-CPU sees the event.
Whereas, the mainloop cycle execution time isn't constant: It may vary depending on various details. Especially, some maintenance stuff is only handled approximately around 15 times per second (so there are 15 slow mainloop cycles per second).

The order of steps that happen when sending a command to the CD controller look roughly like this:

e.g. SetMode:
1. Command busy flag set immediately.
2. Response FIFO is populated.
3. Command is being processed.
4. Command busy flag is unset and parameter fifo is cleared.
5. Shortly after (around 1000-6000 cycles later), CDROM IRQ is fired.


The PSX can deliver one INT after another. Instead of using a real queue, it's merely using some flags that do indicate which INT(s) need to be delivered. Basically, there seem to be two flags: One for Second Response (INT2), and one for Data/Report Response (INT1). There is no flag for First Response (INT3); because that INT is generated immediately after executing a command.
The flag mechanism means that the SUB-CPU cannot hold more than one undelivered INT1. That, although the CDROM Decoder does notify the SUB-CPU about all newly received sectors, and it can hold up to eight sectors in the 32K SRAM. However, the SUB-CPU BIOS merely sets a sector-delivery-needed flag (instead of memorizing which/how many sectors need to be delivered, and, accordingly, the PSX can use only three of the available eight SRAM slots: One for currently pending INT1, one for undelivered INT1, and one for currently/incompletely received sector).

First Response (INT3) (or INT5 if failed)

The first response is sent immediately after processing a command. In detail:
The mainloop checks for incoming commands once every some clock cycles, and executes commands under following condition:

  Main CPU has sent a command, AND, there is no INT pending
  (if an INT is pending, then the command won't be executed yet, but will be
  executed in following mainloop cycles; once when INT got acknowledged)
  (even if no INT is pending, the mainloop may generate INT1/INT2 before
  executing the command, if so, as said above, the command won't execute yet)
Once when the command gets executed it will sent the first response immediately after the command execution (which may only take a few clock cycles, or some more cycles, for example Init/ReadTOC do include some time consuming initializations). Anyways, there will be no other INTs generated during command execution, so once when the command execution has started, it's guaranteed that the next INT will contain the first response.

Second Responses (INT2) (or INT5 if failed)

Some commands do send a second response after actual command execution:

  07h MotorOn    E -               INT3(stat), INT2(stat)
  08h Stop       E -               INT3(stat), INT2(stat)
  09h Pause      E -               INT3(stat), INT2(stat)
  0Ah Init         -               INT3(late-stat), INT2(stat)
  12h SetSession E session         INT3(stat), INT2(stat)
  15h SeekL      E -               INT3(stat), INT2(stat)  ;\use prior Setloc
  16h SeekP      E -               INT3(stat), INT2(stat)  ;/to set target
  1Ah GetID      E -               INT3(stat), INT2/5(stat,flg,typ,atip,"SCEx")
  1Dh GetQ       E adr,point       INT3(stat), INT2(10bytesSubQ,peak_lo)
  1Eh ReadTOC      -               INT3(late-stat), INT2(stat)
In some cases (like seek or spin-up), it may take more than a second until the 2nd response is sent.
It should be highly recommended to WAIT until the second response is generated BEFORE sending a new command (it wouldn't make too much sense to send a new command between first and second response, and results would be unknown, and probably totally unpredictable).
Error Notes: If the command has been rejected (INT5 sent as 1st response) then the 2nd response isn't sent (eg. on wrong number of parameters, or if disc missing). If the command fails at a later stage (INT5 as 2nd response), then there are cases where another INT5 occurs as 3rd response (eg. on SetSession=02h on non-multisession-disk).

Data/Report Responses (INT1)

  03h Play       E (track)         INT3(stat), optional INT1(report bytes)
  04h Forward    E -               INT3(stat), optional INT1(report bytes)
  05h Backward   E -               INT3(stat), optional INT1(report bytes)
  06h ReadN      E -               INT3(stat), INT1(stat), datablock
  1Bh ReadS      E?-               INT3(stat), INT1(stat), datablock

CDROM - Response Timings

Here are some response timings, measured in 33MHz units on a PAL PSone. The CDROM BIOSes mainloop is doing some maintenance stuff once and when, meaning that the response time will be higher in such mainloop cycles (max values), and less in normal cycles (min values). The maintenance timings do also depend on whether the motor is on or off (and probably on various other factors like seeking).

First Response

The First Response interrupt is sent almost immediately after processing the command (that is, when the mainloop sees a new command without any old interrupt pending). For Nop, timings are as so:

  Command            Average   Min       Max
  Nop (normal)       000c4e1h  0004a73h..003115bh
  Nop (when stopped) 0005cf4h  000483bh..00093f2h
Timings for most other commands should be similar as above. One exception is the Init command, which is doing some initialization before sending the 1st response:
  Init                   0013cceh  000f820h..00xxxxxh
The ReadTOC command is doing similar initialization, and should have similar timing as Init command. Some (rarely used) Test commands include things like serial data transfers, which may be also quite slow.

Second Response

  Command                Average   Min       Max
  GetID                  0004a00h  0004922h..0004c2bh
  Pause (single speed)   021181ch  020eaefh..0216e3ch ;\time equal to
  Pause (double speed)   010bd93h  010477Ah..011B302h ;/about 5 sectors
  Pause (when paused)    0001df2h  0001d25h..0001f22h
  Stop (single speed)    0d38acah  0c3bc41h..0da554dh
  Stop (double speed)    18a6076h  184476bh..192b306h
  Stop (when stopped)    0001d7bh  0001ce8h..0001eefh
Moreover, Seek/Play/Read/SetSession/MotorOn/Init/ReadTOC are sending second responses which depend on seek time (and spin-up time if the motor was off). The seek timings are still unknown, and they are probably quite complicated:
The CDROM BIOS seems to split seek distance somehow into coarse steps (eg. minutes) and fine steps (eg. seconds/sectors), so 1-minute seek distance may have completely different timings than 59-seconds distance.
The amount of data per spiral winding increases towards ends of the disc (so the drive head will need to be moved by shorter distance when moving from minute 59 to 60 as than moving from 00 to 01).
The CDROM BIOS contains some seek distance table, which is probably optimized for 72-minute discs (or whatever capacity is used on original PSX discs). 80-minute CDRs may have tighter spiral windings (the above seek table is probably causing the drive head to be moved too far on such discs, which will raise the seek time as the head needs to be moved backwards to compensate that error).

INT1 Rate

  Command                Average   Min       Max
  Read (single speed)    006e1cdh  00686dah..0072732h
  Read (double speed)    0036cd2h  00322dfh..003ab2bh
The INT1 rate needs to be precise for CD-DA and CD-XA Audio streaming, exact clock cycle values should be: SystemClock*930h/4/44100Hz for Single Speed (and half as much for Double Speed) (the "Average" values are AVERAGE values, not exact values).

CDROM - Response/Data Queueing

[Below are some older/outdated test cases]

Sector Buffer

The CDROM sector buffer is 32Kx8 SRAM (IC303). The buffer is apparently divided into 8 slots, theoretically allowing to buffer up to 8 sectors.
BUG: The drive controller seems to allow only 2 of those 8 sectors (the oldest sector, and the current/newest sector).
Ie. after processing the INT1 for the oldest sector, one would expect the controller to generate another INT1 for next newer sector - but instead it appears to jump directly to INT1 for the newest sector (skipping all other unprocessed sectors). There is no known way to get around that effect.
So far, the big 32Kbyte buffer is entirely useless (the two accessible sectors could have been as well stored in a 8Kbyte chip) (unless, maybe the 32Kbytes have been intended for some error-correction "read-ahead" purposes, rather than as "look-back" buffer for old sectors; one of the unused slots might be also used for XA-ADPCM sectors).
The bottom line is that one should process INT1's as soon as possible (ie. before the cdrom controller receives and skips further sectors). Otherwise sectors would be lost without notice (there appear to be absolutely no overrun status flags, nor overrun error interrupts).

Sector Buffer Test Cases

  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:0
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:1
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:2
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:3
Above shows the normal flow when processing INT1's as they arise. Now, inserting delays (and not processing INT1's during that delays):
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:0
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:1 (oldest sector)
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:6 (newest sector)
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:7 (next sector)
Above suggests that the CDROM buffer can hold max 2 sectors (the oldest and current one). However, using a longer delay:
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:0
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:9  (oldest/overwritten)
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:11 (newest sector)
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:12 (next sector)
Above indicates that sector buffer can hold 8 sectors (as the sector 1 slot is overwritten by sector 9). And, another test with even longer delay:
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:0
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:17 (currently received)
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:16 (newest full sector)
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:17 (next sector)
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:18 (next sector)
Above is a special case where sector 17 appears twice; the first one is the sector 1 slot (which was overwritten by sector 9, and apparently then half overwritten by sector 17).

Sector Buffer VS GetlocL Response Tests

  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:0
  Process INT3 --> receives getloc info for 0:2:0
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:1
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:2
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:3
Another test, with Delay BEFORE Getloc:
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:0
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:1
  Process INT3 --> receives getloc info for 0:2:6
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:6
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:7
Another test, with Delay AFTER Getloc:
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:0
  Process INT3 --> receives getloc info for 0:2:0
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:5
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:6
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:7
Another test, with Delay BEFORE and AFTER Getloc:
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:0
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:9
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:11
  Process INT3 --> receives getloc info for 0:2:12
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:12
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:13

Sector Buffer VS Pause Response Tests

  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:0
  Process INT3 --> receives stat=22h (first pause response)
  Process INT2 --> receives stat=02h (second pause response)
Another test, with Delay BEFORE Pause:
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:0
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:1 (oldest)
  Process INT3 --> receives stat=22h (first pause response)
  Process INT2 --> receives stat=02h (second pause response)
Another test, with Delay AFTER Pause:
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:0
  Process INT3 --> receives stat=22h (first pause response)
  Process INT2 --> receives stat=02h (second pause response)
Another test, with Delay BEFORE and AFTER Pause:
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:0
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:9 (oldest/overwritten)
  Process INT3 --> receives stat=22h (first pause response)
  Process INT2 --> receives stat=02h (second pause response)
For above: Note that, despite of Pause, the CDROM is still writing to the internal buffer (and overwrites slot 1 by sector 9) (this might be because the Pause command isn't processed at all until INT1 is processed).

Double Commands (Getloc then Pause)

  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:0
  Process INT3 --> receives stat=22h (first pause response)
  Process INT2 --> receives stat=02h (second pause response)
Another test,
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:0
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:1
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:6
  Process INT3 --> receives stat=22h (first pause response)
  Process INT2 --> receives stat=02h (second pause response)
Another test,
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:0
  Process INT3 --> receives getloc info for 0:2:0 (first getloc response)
  Process INT3 --> receives stat=22h (first pause response)
  Process INT2 --> receives stat=02h (second pause response)
Another test,
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:0
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:9 (oldest/overwritten)
  Process INT3 --> receives stat=22h (first pause response)
  Process INT2 --> receives stat=02h (second pause response)

Double Commands (Pause then Getloc)

  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:0
  Process INT3 --> receives getloc info for 0:2:0 (first getloc response)
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:1
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:2
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:3
Another test,
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:0
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:1
  Process INT3 --> receives getloc info for 0:2:6 (first getloc response)
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:6
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:7
Another test,
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:0
  Process INT3 --> receives stat=22h (first pause response)
  Process INT3 --> receives getloc info for 0:2:6 (first getloc response)
  (No further INT's, ie. read is paused, but second-pause-response is lost).
Another test,
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:0
  Process INT3 --> receives stat=22h (first pause response)
  Process INT3 --> receives getloc info for 0:2:6 (first getloc response)
  Process INT2 --> receives stat=02h (second pause response)
Another test,
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:0
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:9
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:11
  Process INT3 --> receives getloc info for 0:2:12 (first getloc response)
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:12
  Process INT1 --> receives sector header for 0:2:13