Macroblock Decoder (MDEC)
The MDEC is a JPEG-style Macroblock Decoder, that can decompress pictures (or a
series of pictures, for being displayed as a movie).
MDEC I/O Ports
MDEC Commands
MDEC Decompression
MDEC Data Format
MDEC I/O Ports
1F801820h - MDEC0 - MDEC Command/Parameter Register (W)
31-0 Command or Parameters
1F801820h.Read - MDEC Data/Response Register (R)
31-0 Macroblock Data (or Garbage if there's no data available)
1F801824h - MDEC1 - MDEC Status Register (R)
31 Data-Out Fifo Empty (0=No, 1=Empty)
30 Data-In Fifo Full (0=No, 1=Full, or Last word received)
29 Command Busy (0=Ready, 1=Busy receiving or processing parameters)
28 Data-In Request (set when DMA0 enabled and ready to receive data)
27 Data-Out Request (set when DMA1 enabled and ready to send data)
26-25 Data Output Depth (0=4bit, 1=8bit, 2=24bit, 3=15bit) ;CMD.28-27
24 Data Output Signed (0=Unsigned, 1=Signed) ;CMD.26
23 Data Output Bit15 (0=Clear, 1=Set) (for 15bit depth only) ;CMD.25
22-19 Not used (seems to be always zero)
18-16 Current Block (0..3=Y1..Y4, 4=Cr, 5=Cb) (or for mono: always 4=Y)
15-0 Number of Parameter Words remaining minus 1 (FFFFh=None) ;CMD.Bit0-15
1F801824h - MDEC1 - MDEC Control/Reset Register (W)
31 Reset MDEC (0=No change, 1=Abort any command, and set status=80040000h)
30 Enable Data-In Request (0=Disable, 1=Enable DMA0 and Status.bit28)
29 Enable Data-Out Request (0=Disable, 1=Enable DMA1 and Status.bit27)
28-0 Unknown/Not used - usually zero
MDEC decompression uses a lot of DMA channels,
1) DMA3 (CDROM) to send compressed data from CDROM to RAM
2) DMA0 (MDEC.In) to send compressed data from RAM to MDEC
3) DMA1 (MDEC.Out) to send uncompressed macroblocks from MDEC to RAM
4) DMA2 (GPU) to send uncompressed macroblocks from RAM to GPU
MDEC Commands
MDEC(1) - Decode Macroblock(s)
31-29 Command (1=decode_macroblock)
28-27 Data Output Depth (0=4bit, 1=8bit, 2=24bit, 3=15bit) ;STAT.26-25
26 Data Output Signed (0=Unsigned, 1=Signed) ;STAT.24
25 Data Output Bit15 (0=Clear, 1=Set) (for 15bit depth only) ;STAT.23
24-16 Not used (should be zero)
15-0 Number of Parameter Words (size of compressed data)
MDEC(2) - Set Quant Table(s)
31-29 Command (2=set_iqtab)
28-1 Not used (should be zero) ;Bit25-28 are copied to STAT.23-26 though
0 Color (0=Luminance only, 1=Luminance and Color)
MDEC(3) - Set Scale Table
31-29 Command (3=set_scale)
28-0 Not used (should be zero) ;Bit25-28 are copied to STAT.23-26 though
MDEC(0) - No function
This command has no function. Command bits 25-28 are reflected to Status bits
23-26 as usually. Command bits 0-15 are reflected to Status bits 0-15 (similar
as the "number of parameter words" for MDEC(1), but without the "minus 1"
effect, and without actually expecting any parameters).
MDEC(4..7) - Invalid
These commands act identical as MDEC(0).
MDEC Decompression
decode_colored_macroblock ;MDEC(1) command (at 15bpp or 24bpp depth)
rl_decode_block(Crblk,src,iq_uv) ;Cr (low resolution)
rl_decode_block(Cbblk,src,iq_uv) ;Cb (low resolution)
rl_decode_block(Yblk,src,iq_y), yuv_to_rgb(0,0) ;Y1 (and upper-left Cr,Cb)
rl_decode_block(Yblk,src,iq_y), yuv_to_rgb(0,8) ;Y2 (and upper-right Cr,Cb)
rl_decode_block(Yblk,src,iq_y), yuv_to_rgb(8,0) ;Y3 (and lower-left Cr,Cb)
rl_decode_block(Yblk,src,iq_y), yuv_to_rgb(8,8) ;Y4 (and lower-right Cr,Cb)
decode_monochrome_macroblock ;MDEC(1) command (at 4bpp or 8bpp depth)
rl_decode_block(Yblk,src,iq_y), y_to_mono ;Y
for i=0 to 63, blk[i]=0, next i ;initially zerofill all entries (for skip)
n=[src], src=src+2, k=0 ;get first entry, init dest addr k=0
if n=FE00h then @@skip ;ignore padding (FE00h as first halfword)
q_scale=(n SHR 10) AND 3Fh ;contains scale value (not "skip" value)
val=signed10bit(n AND 3FFh)*qt[k] ;calc first value (without q_scale/8) (?)
if q_scale=0 then val=signed10bit(n AND 3FFh)*2 ;special mode without qt[k]
val=minmax(val,-400h,+3FFh) ;saturate to signed 11bit range
val=val*scalezag[i] ;<-- for "fast_idct_core" only
if q_scale>0 then blk[zagzig[k]]=val ;store entry (normal case)
if q_scale=0 then blk[k]=val ;store entry (special, no zigzag)
n=[src], src=src+2 ;get next entry (or FE00h end code)
k=k+((n SHR 10) AND 3Fh)+1 ;skip zerofilled entries
val=(signed10bit(n AND 3FFh)*qt[k]*q_scale+4)/8 ;calc value for next entry
if k<=63 then jump @@lop ;should end with n=FE00h (that sets k>63)
return (with "src" address advanced)
fast_idct_core(blk) ;fast "idct_core" version
Fast code with only 80 multiplications, works only if the scaletable from
MDEC(3) command contains standard values (which is the case for all known PSX
src=blk, dst=temp_buffer
for pass=0 to 1
for i=0 to 7
if src[(1..7)*8+i]=0 then ;when src[(1..7)*8+i] are all zero:
dst[i*8+(0..7)]=src[0*8+i] ;quick fill by src[0*8+i]
z10=src[0*8+i]+src[4*8+i], z11=src[0*8+i]-src[4*8+i]
z13=src[2*8+i]+src[6*8+i], z12=src[2*8+i]-src[6*8+i]
z12=(1.414213562*z12)-z13 ;=sqrt(2)
tmp0=z10+z13, tmp3=z10-z13, tmp1=z11+z12, tmp2=z11-z12
z13=src[3*8+i]+src[5*8+i], z10=src[3*8+i]-src[5*8+i]
z11=src[1*8+i]+src[7*8+i], z12=src[1*8+i]-src[7*8+i]
z5 =(1.847759065*(z12-z10)) ;=sqrt(2)*scalefactor[2]
tmp6=(2.613125930*(z10))+z5-tmp7 ;=scalefactor[2]*2
tmp5=(1.414213562*(z11-z13))-tmp6 ;=sqrt(2)
tmp4=(1.082392200*(z12))-z5+tmp5 ;=sqrt(2)/scalefactor[2]
dst[i*8+0]=tmp0+tmp7, dst[i*8+7]=tmp0-tmp7
dst[i*8+1]=tmp1+tmp6, dst[i*8+6]=tmp1-tmp6
dst[i*8+2]=tmp2+tmp5, dst[i*8+5]=tmp2-tmp5
dst[i*8+4]=tmp3+tmp4, dst[i*8+3]=tmp3-tmp4
next i
next pass
real_idct_core(blk) ;low level "idct_core" version
Low level code with 1024 multiplications, using the scaletable from the MDEC(3)
command. Computes dst=src*scaletable (using normal matrix maths, but with "src"
being diagonally mirrored, ie. the matrices are processed column by column,
instead of row by column), repeated with src/dst exchanged.
src=blk, dst=temp_buffer
for pass=0 to 1
for x=0 to 7
for y=0 to 7
for z=0 to 7
next z
dst[x+y*8]=(sum+0fffh)/2000h ;<-- or so?
next y
next x
next pass
Maybe the real hardware is doing further roundings in other places, possibly stripping some fractional bits before summing up "sum", possibly stripping different amounts of bits in the two "pass" cycles, and possibly keeping a final fraction passed on to the y_to_mono stage.
for y=0 to 7
for x=0 to 7
R=[Crblk+((x+xx)/2)+((y+yy)/2)*8], B=[Cbblk+((x+xx)/2)+((y+yy)/2)*8]
G=(-0.3437*B)+(-0.7143*R), R=(1.402*R), B=(1.772*B)
if unsigned then BGR=BGR xor 808080h ;aka add 128 to the R,G,B values
next x
next y
for i=0 to 63
Y=Y AND 1FFh ;clip to signed 9bit range
Y=MinMax(-128,127,Y) ;saturate from 9bit to signed 8bit range
if unsigned then Y=Y xor 80h ;aka add 128 to the Y value
next i
set_iqtab ;MDEC(2) command
iqtab_core(iq_y,src), src=src+64 ;luminance quant table
if command_word.bit0=1
iqtab_core(iq_uv,src), src=src+64 ;color quant table (optional)
iqtab_core(iq,src) ;src = 64 unsigned paramter bytes
for i=0 to 63, iq[i]=src[i], next i
scalefactor[0..7] = cos((0..7)*90'/8) ;for [1..7]: multiplied by sqrt(2)
1.000000000, 1.387039845, 1.306562965, 1.175875602,
1.000000000, 0.785694958, 0.541196100, 0.275899379
zigzag[0..63] =
0 ,1 ,5 ,6 ,14,15,27,28,
2 ,4 ,7 ,13,16,26,29,42,
3 ,8 ,12,17,25,30,41,43,
9 ,11,18,24,31,40,44,53,
scalezag[0..63] (precalulated factors, for "fast_idct_core")
for y=0 to 7
for x=0 to 7
scalezag[zigzag[x+y*8]] = scalefactor[x] * scalefactor[y] / 8
next x
next y
zagzig[0..63] (reversed zigzag table)
for i=0 to 63, zagzig[zigzag[i]]=i, next i
set_scale_table: ;MDEC(3) command
This command defines the IDCT scale matrix, which should be usually/always:
5A82 5A82 5A82 5A82 5A82 5A82 5A82 5A82
7D8A 6A6D 471C 18F8 E707 B8E3 9592 8275
7641 30FB CF04 89BE 89BE CF04 30FB 7641
6A6D E707 8275 B8E3 471C 7D8A 18F8 9592
5A82 A57D A57D 5A82 5A82 A57D A57D 5A82
471C 8275 18F8 6A6D 9592 E707 7D8A B8E3
30FB 89BE 7641 CF04 CF04 7641 89BE 30FB
18F8 B8E3 6A6D 8275 7D8A 9592 471C E707
+s0 +s0 +s0 +s0 +s0 +s0 +s0 +s0
+s1 +s3 +s5 +s7 -s7 -s5 -s3 -s1
+s2 +s6 -s6 -s2 -s2 -s6 +s6 +s2
+s3 -s7 -s1 -s5 +s5 +s1 +s7 -s3
+s4 -s4 -s4 +s4 +s4 -s4 -s4 +s4
+s5 -s1 +s7 +s3 -s3 -s7 +s1 -s5
+s6 -s2 +s2 -s6 -s6 +s2 -s2 +s6
+s7 -s5 +s3 -s1 +s1 -s3 +s5 -s7
MDEC Data Format
Colored Macroblocks (16x16 pixels) (in 15bpp or 24bpp depth mode)
Each macroblock consists of six blocks: Two low-resolution blocks with color
information (Cr,Cb) and four full-resolution blocks with luminance (grayscale)
information (Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4). The color blocks are zoomed from 8x8 to 16x16 pixel
size, merged with the luminance blocks, and then converted from YUV to RGB
.-----. .-----. .-----. .-----.
| | | | |Y1|Y2| | |
| Cr | + | Cb | + |--+--| ----> | RGB |
| | | | |Y3|Y4| | |
'-----' '-----' '-----' '-----'
Monochrome Macroblocks (8x8 pixel) (in 4bpp or 8bpp depth mode)
Each macroblock consist of only one block: with luminance (grayscale)
information (Y), the data comes out as such (it isn't converted to RGB).
.--. .--.
|Y | ----> |Y |
'--' '--'
Blocks (8x8 pixels)
An (uncompressed) block consists of 64 values, representing 8x8 pixels. The
first (upper-left) value is an absolute value (called "DC" value), the
remaining 63 values are relative to the DC value (called "AC" values). After
decompression and zig-zag reordering, the data in unfiltered horizontally and
vertically (IDCT conversion, ie. the relative "AC" values are converted to
absolute "DC" values).
.STR Files
PSX Video files are usually having file extension .STR (for "Streaming").
The MDEC data format is very similar to the JPEG file format, the main
difference is that JPEG uses Huffman compressed blocks, whilst MDEC uses
Run-Length (RL) compressed blocks.
The (uncompressed) blocks are same as in JPEGs, using the same zigzag ordering,
AC to DC conversion, and YUV to RGB conversion (ie. the MDEC hardware can be
also used to decompress JPEGs, when handling the file header and huffman
decompression by software).
Some other differences are that MDEC has only 2 fixed-purpose quant tables,
whilst JPEGs \<can> use up to 4 general-purpose quant tables. Also, JPEGs
\<can> use other color resolutions than the 8x8 color info for 16x16
pixels. Whereas, JPEGs \<can> do that stuff, but most standard JPEG files
aren't actually using 4 quant tables, nor higher color resolution.
Run-Length compressed Blocks
Within each block the DCT information and RLE compressed data is stored:
DCT ;1 halfword
RLE,RLE,RLE,etc. ;0..63 halfwords
EOB ;1 halfword
DCT (1st value)
DCT data has the quantization factor and the Direct Current (DC) reference.
15-10 Q Quantization factor (6 bits, unsigned)
9-0 DC Direct Current reference (10 bits, signed)
RLE (Run length data, for 2nd through 64th value)
15-10 LEN Number of zero AC values to be inserted (6 bits, unsigned)
9-0 AC Relative AC value (10 bits, signed)
EOB (End Of Block)
Indicates the end of a 8x8 pixel block, causing the rest of the block to be
padded with zero AC values.
15-0 End-code (Fixed, FE00h)
Dummy halfwords
Data is sent in units of words (or, when using DMA, even in units of 32-words),
which is making it neccessary to send some dummy halfwords (unless the
compressed data size should match up the transfer unit). The value FE00h can be
used as dummy value: When FE00h appears at the begin of a new block, or after
the end of block, then it is simply ignored by the hardware (if it occurs
elsewhere, then it acts as EOB end code, as described above).